Awesome, thanks! And sure we can, I look forward to hearing your ideas! :D ...I also lied and attempted madness. Gosh darn my love for lore/world building and wanting to connect everything. Still not sure I can pull it off and I may end up having to abandon this, but darn it I wanted to try haha I didn't want to do too much with characters that weren't mine without your input but here is what I've attempted to construct so far XD [hider=Kator/Hord descendants] I vaguely recall us saying Renso didn't have children of his own but I imagine he at least had a sibling (in this case I made it a sister for this attempt) or two that would have had descendants of some sort? o.o I don't remember how much we went into that and maybe I've gone a little nuts with the details....feel free to tell me I'm crazy haha Wasn't sure how to tie Bol and his family in there without making it really tacky or unbelievable (or making them all weirdly inter-related... o.o) [img][/img] (left Ari and Bol as unknown cause well...we're not sure what's gonna happen there yet, right? XD) [/hider] [hider=Qel Droma/Sunrider descendants] Based on the crazy idea I had last night that Bracknell and Soto were distantly related through Ulic Qel Droma, since he had a thing with both Keto and Sunrider, one as a Jedi and the other as a Sith so that kind of worked in my head somehow XD They'd be somehow distantly related to some of Renso's followers but not 100% on how yet o.o (Bracknell's son is another plot device...I needed someone to kill Ari's brother and what better way to start Roan and Bracknell's rivalry? XD) [img][/img] (I forgot the name of Soto's lover and couldn't find his page on the wiki oops hehe) [/hider] Attempted one for Cheriss but not sure whether I can get it to work out proper XD