[quote=@ClocktowerEchos] (despite a lot of people claiming that socialism is literally renamed communism which it isn't) A less likely theory is that because so many people think communism = socialism, communists and socialists just get lumped together. (ie axing all social welfare and letting people hopefully figure shit out on their own). I know people are going to say "you're stupid/blind/foolish for putting your faith in a centralized government!" but I don't really care since again, I have faith in the central government just like how people have undying faith in the free market. I find that to be a foolish notion, so in a sense, everyone is a fool to everyone else. [/quote] Just a very quick response, more to get my "belief" across. [i]Despite me posting a video saying otherwise.[/i] I do think "calling socialism and communism the same thing." Isn't a productive statement either and [b]is[/b] often brought up, when I do think there called different ideals for a reason. And there's probably a little more nuance than the average person may think. I certainly won't be the one to argue that, (the welfare system axing thing.) Just because I don't really think there's an easy/sensible way to do so and frankly I think it's absolutely necessary for temporary moments of crisis. But I will give credit to those that do, in all the problems those good intentions have done. And I will argue to death, that charity is a possible and completely viable solution, and isn't just some "made up" thing. People don't want to see starving bodies on the street, people will pay as a collective for things they want. Kickstarter and Gofundme are highly used platforms. Also my first video going into the "people that have faith in government is same/similar to people that have faith in free market." There [b]is[/b] a difference. (At least in my opinion which I will share. ^3^) In the video it states, Karl Marx believes [b]"all forms of power in ANY system, there is inevitable corruption that follows."[/b] Which is a true statement. So, the obvious question that follows...Now what do you do? If you don't like the corrupt big bank, that went bankrupt and needed bailouts to stay afloat. Do you instead go to a locally owned credit union that didn't get bailouts? Or do you let that become "The bank" your [b]only[/b] bank. I think trusting in people/ideas blindly is silly regardless. So, I know "picking from the lesser evils." doesn't sound super appealing. But it has to better than having no choice at all. I just wanted to say that I do think there is a difference between relying on a single body [b]vs[/b] as many bodies as the people want. You can't realistically have [b]competition[/b] in a communist state. [i]At least that's how I'm aware how their system works...[/i] [quote=@ClocktowerEchos] My two, poorly minted cents [/quote] Don't devalue yourself. (I know it's sarcasm.) But I think you did a perfectly suitable job expressing your opinion. :3