Overwhelming wariness — that was how Mistletoe felt as she followed Kenza further into the cobwebbed library. The spiderwebs, while generally off to the side of the room and tucked out of the way of the main path inwards, were still acutely noticeable in the corner of Mistletoe's eyes, looming over the trio like a huge monster in the shadows. Still, she kept on, knowing that her fears were somewhat unfounded. After all, how big would spiders have to be to pose a real threat to three armed and experienced hunters? Kenza, on the other hand, kept her eyes trained forwards into the darkness. The breeze clearly came from inside the library, but she couldn't fathom where or why it did. Was it just another small, hopeless window like before, or would this one be an actual way out of the gloomy garrison? The hunters continued deeper into the shadowed room, sidestepping stray webs and books alike as they peered into the darkness, hoping to get a glimpse of the source of the wind they'd felt.