[quote=@Cu Chulainn] [s]Dietrich potentially had more. It turns out he was the kind of hero that liked collecting weapons from his enemies. Alot.[/s] As far as NPs go, I'm sure Ascalon and Interfectum Dracones can be combined into one, seeing as the latter is a "gestalt-phantasm" of the former. While his skills and abilities seem overwhelming at first, it looks as if they all orient Saint George towards being very defensive, as said in his abilities section. [/quote] Going through the entire thing. Okay the only problem I seem to have with him is Ascalon's "Invincibility" which gets even more ridiculous when combined with the A+ rank of Guardian knight. Both are completely fine separately. But Saint Georges Entire pool of abilities/Phantasms are aimed to be highly defensive, Combining the fact he is capable of doing massive damage with Interfectum Dracones combined with Abyssus Draconis. The end result is pretty darn stupid as his output is higher than Jeanne's whom is also a saint with defensive orientated skills. (even the horse can negate 1 attack. The dude literally has Invincibility built into to his being.) Perhaps only a small Tone down of some of the abilitys would be fair but otherwise I like your taste in rider. It'll create some interesting interactions with the red and white dragon pair.