[quote=@Tsar Gatto] [@Kingfisher] [hider=Charlie Knight] [center][h1][color=006400]Charlie Knight[/color][/h1][/center] [URL=http://s74.photobucket.com/user/Bloodlut/media/image.jpg.html][IMG]http://i74.photobucket.com/albums/i246/Bloodlut/image.jpg[/IMG][/URL] [i]”Sleep when you’re dead.”[/i] – [b]Charlie[/b] [b][u][color=006400]Name/Nicknames:[/color][/u][/b] [indent]Charles Victor Knight (Hates the name Charles)[/indent] [b][u][color=006400]Gender:[/color][/u][/b] [indent]Male[/indent] [b][u][color=006400]Age:[/color][/u][/b] [indent]24[/indent] [b][u][color=006400]Appearance:[/color][/u][/b] [indent]Charlie has very dark brown hair, almost black in appearance that is kept short, messy and generally concealed under a cap which he has many of and tries to keep as pristine as possible. In comparison the many hoodies, jeans and trainers that he owns are much tattier and show signs of regular use and frequent wear and tear. These generally bear a skate brand or some band logo and it would be a cold day in hell before he would ever consider wearing something that could be called ‘smart’ or ‘formal’. His physical build is quite thin and lithe, somewhat muscular though a lack of any regular workout regime or particular care for healthy eating has kept him towards the thinner side rather than building more muscle bulk despite his quite active lifestyle. His left ear has a small stretcher and his lower lip shows the signs of a previous piercing that has long since been removed and mostly healed up. He has a Celtic tattoo on his right shoulder of the Celtic shield knot within the Celtic symbol for the sun, representing infinite power, though he simply chose it as he thought it looked ‘badass’. He often has slight dark bags under his eyes, though this is mostly due to his affinity for late nights, partying hard and of course living up to his motto. His eyes themselves are a deep emerald shade of green with lighter flecks, expressive and even sometimes intensive with his gaze. He often has a cheeky smirk or expression that shows his general lack of seriousness. Occasionally his face is covered by a thin stubble, though this is due to laziness rather than a desire to grow any facial hair and he usually shaves it sooner rather than later. He occasionally dons a green and black afgan-shemagh that he usually combines with a pair of well-worn Aviator sunglasses. [/indent] [b][u][color=006400]Personality:[/color][/u][/b] [indent]On the surface Charlie is a carefree, quick witted layabout. He is generally easy-going and always up for a laugh, sometimes even taking things a little far being somewhat of a thrill seeker when that particular mood takes a hold of him. Loyal to his friends and honest when it matters he generally is a pretty good guy, though it definitely depends on who you ask. Others, like his old teachers or his parents might say he is irresponsible and unreliable, lazy and generally good for nothing. Some girls may tell you that he is a liar and a cheat, a two faced snake who only cares about himself and deserves to die cold and alone - but they're ex-girlfriends or jilted lovers, and he would assure you that they were all crazy and were bound to say such slanderous things. He has a clear problem with authority and doing what he is obligated to do, preferring to go his own way and make his own mistakes, sometimes only to prove that he can simply for the sake of it. He often takes risks, both in small matters and occasionally in large, betting more than just money on occasion. Going a little deeper into what really drives him, Charlie is an intelligent but extremely unfocused and frustrated individual. He follows his whims and desires with little thought to anything other than the immediate future when it comes to making the big decisions that really matter. Instead he lives in the moment and enjoys things as much as he can given whatever situation, something that generally attracts others and makes him likable to most (especially those in situations as shitty as his). That being said he also has more than one substance abuse problem, which isn't so much of a problem until it is he isn't able to enjoy any of the substances he so loves for a prolonged period. Like every addict when finding themselves sober Charlie is downright mean and unpleasant, grouchy and ill-tempered to say the very least. Fortunately such incidents are rare and he will do almost anything to keep it that way. [/indent] [b][u][color=006400]Bio:[/color][/u][/b] [indent]What is there to tell? Charlie’s parents were as is often the case kids having kids, his mother barley out of school and his father only a few years older at 20. His father stayed in the picture only for a few years, but eventually grew up and abandoned Charlie and his mother in lieu of a 'real life' with a real family elsewhere. They remained in Geurchville and since then he has scarcely left to travel anywhere or do anything of particular note (aside from the occasional out of state romantic entanglment). An unexciting school life Charlie was told constantly that he was bright and intelligent but simply failed to apply himself – funny how they never told him [i]how[/i] to actually apply himself with these particular comments. The older he got the more he seemed to rebel against the system that continuously failed both he and his mother, leaving education with barley the required grades to get even a job at a greasy spoon café. Throughout his adult life he has held a small number of legitimate jobs, but always soon getting sacked for either poor attendance or his ‘attitude problem’. Because of this and the need for financing to live, he has turned to a life of crime with the Laurents (having gone to school and been friends with a few of the younger Laurent brothers), a scam here or there or maybe even the occasional burglary or theft - whatever was required of him. Thus far he has drawn the line at violent crime and always tries to keep things as ‘victimless’ as possible, unless of course he deems they happen to deserve such things. He has found an affinity for growing cannabis for the Laurents, having progressed from just a few plants in his cupboard to the majority of his house now being used as a grow-operation. He seems to have green fingers to say the very least, having thrown himself into the cultivating scene. His only problem is that on occasion he might just happen to smoke a little too much of his own product. His mother, though far from approving of such activities tolerates her son's line of work - of course the fact he pays for her small house and costs of living certainly helps things - though she does wish that he'd pack up and get out of Geurchville before it's 'too late' and make something of himself. [/indent] [/hider] Here we go. Much more my style. Though once things are going I do have a very nasty contract killer waiting in the wings we can involve too. [/quote] Looks great, man. Charlie is accepted, feel free to put him in this CS tab.