Julan was just about to start getting dressed when Janius asked him to give Aurana her cloak. It has been surprisingly easy for Julan to avoid laughing when Aurana had fallen into the water, as the presence of his parents made any of the natural comedy of the situation seem much less important. He was also nervous about what Aurana had said so far. It was not the story that Julan had wanted to tell, but there was no going back at this point. He offered his cloak to Aurana, then just ended up standing around somewhat awkwardly and nervously. He was cold as well, but since his scales were waterproof, he was not as cold as any of the others. Rhazii would certainly need to start trying to dry off, since his fur would hold in the water. "Yes, um, she really wants to meet you and talk to you. She never gets to do anything since her parents don't let her. I've already told her how you're here in Bravil with the Penitus Oculatus, and how you ended up with them all that time ago after the cave with the spiders." Julan explained as a not-so-subtle way of informing him of the cover story he had made up for why he had not come back home. He hoped his father would be happy of the fact that he had come up with a good story for him. Kaleeth had some concern in her eyes as she looked at Aurana, which made her somewhat conflicted as to what she wanted to do next. "It seemed like that Khajiit woman wanted to bring back Aurana without anyone noticing she was gone, but now she's soaked. Maybe we should try to dry her off first? Does anyone have any magic that could help?" She suggested.