General Information First Name: Luna Middle Name: Karen Surname: Nova Nicknames: None Gender: Female Race/Species: Shifter Birthday: 15 Aug 1996 Age: 20 Star Sign: Leo Sexual Orientation: Straight Physical Appearance Skin Tone: Fair Height: 5"6 Hair Colour: White Eye Colour: Blue Body Shape: Slender Right Handed or Left Handed?: Right Scars: Many but small Tattoos: None Piercing: None General Attitude Personality: Bubbly, easy to get on with Normal Mood: Cheerful Habits: She plays with her hair Strengths: She's an amazing shot with a gun/excellent hearing Weaknesses: She's extremely clumsy Likes: Music, people, animals... most things really Dislikes: Being cold Fears: The dark Family: She has only heard stories of a mother in servitude, though her location is unknown. No others that she knows of. Life Story Up To Now: She was born and sold into a life of slavery. There was a rich, powerful man who liked to use shifters as his servants, given the benefits their shifts could come with - when he found out Luna's mother was pregnant, he made arrangements to sell the baby to another "collector" like himself. Her new master had his other servants raise her, and train her to join his guard (who would suspect a cute little girl right?). She became very talented with a gun - preferring sniper rifles. One day, she saw her opportunity to escape, and she took it, killing her master and freeing her friends. Luna has always preferred to take on feline forms when she shifts. Current Life Occupation: Surviving Current Home: Anywhere she sees fit Relationship Status: Single Dreams and Interests Dream/Ambition: To find and rescue her mother Hobbies/Interests: She enjoys hunting. Talents: Handy with a gun/enhanced hearing Yes Or No? Smoker?: No Drinker?: No Nail Bitter?: No Athletic?: Yes Bookworm?: No Party Animal?: She wouldn't know - never been to one Vegetarian?: No Or? Optimist or Pessimist?: Optimist Introvert or Extrovert?: Extrovert Daredevil or Cautious?: Daredevil Logical or Emotional?: Emotional Disorderly or Neat?: Disorderly Working or Relaxing?: Relaxing Confident or Unsure?: Confident Favourite/Hates Favourite Food: Fish Hated Food: Apples Favourite Colour: Blue Hated Colour: None Favourite Place: Anywhere she's free Hated Place: Where she grew up Favourite Music: Listens to anything Favourite Animal: Cats Hated Animal: Scared of dogs Favourite Characteristics in other people: Friendly/welcoming people Hated Characteristics in other people: Rudeness Quote: "The person who can be only serious or only cheerful, is but half a man." [IMG][/IMG]