[@Dannyrulx][@bluetommy2][@SillyGoy] Russia's eyes blankly fixated on the wall behind Britain as she listened to him speak. It looked like She and France would have to carry most of the weight of this battle on their shoulders. Russia spoke up as Britain finished talking. "Without doubt, she will go for France first." the slav spoke as she pecked lightly at the dish before her, barely eating anything. It wasn't to her liking, and it was clear she was putting the absolute minimum effort into attempting to be polite about it. "My plan is simple enough, when Erika makes her invasion into French lands, I'll jump while her back is turned." She spoke while raising her hands as if to draw her plan of attack in the air. "She likely won't see much of a threat in this coming from a nation that is not as...avanced as herself, but an invasion can more than be made up with a significant force of manpower." "I'll bring forth an army to occupy East Prussia, and turn it into a base of operations for an eventual attack on Berlin, which I will promptly take and burn to the ground." A slight, cold smile formed on Russia's face as she recounted her idea. "The invasion and occupation one would be a massive blow to Germany's ego, and with the inevitable fall of her allies, and her capital, I have no doubt in my mind she will lose the will to fight. The destruction of her production capabilities will certainly help too." Russia turned to face Britain directly. "But I'd need you to do something for me, Anglija. And that is to keep the Turks busy." Russia frowned as she spoke, "What I don't need is the distraction of Ottomans in Ukraine, and Turks rousing up Caucasians in the mountains. I'd rather not have to diverge attention away from Prussia's lands to deal with the Islamic mountain men." "The Turk is no doubt bitter over your presence in Egypt, and will spring to attack you. Do what you must to keep her away from me"