[h1]Samuel Deniel[/h1] Great, Ruby was just as terrible at ice breakers as Sam was, at least he didn't have to worry about accidentally saying something about a wheelchair anymore. "Ya, I'm sure we'll make a great pair," he gave Ruby a friendly smile but this was still pretty awkward. Their walk to the dorms was a rather quiet one. They got to the room and Sam saw it was his old room, 222, "I get the same room?" He wasn't complaining, he was just surprised. "Ya, we basically flipped a coin and you got lucky, so you get the room," the volunteer told him. Sam shrugged and entered the room, making sure the door stayed open for the others before taking his bags back and setting up on the side of the room he had taken previously. He guessed Ruby hadn't picked her elective yet since she wasn't bonded until just now. "So Ruby, for your elective, I don't know if you have a choice in mind yet but I'm taking cooking if that affects your decision." He took out the glass dragon again and set it on his dresser, hopefully this time he wouldn't have to pack back up again. "Also I guess we should set rules for living together? Honestly I don't really have any rules in mind, just like, don't be a dick? Not that'd I'd expect you to be, just that's the only thing I can think of. If you have any specific rules just let me know." He began setting up his laptop on the desk before thinking of one last thing, remembering what he was doing with Vyvyan before they had to leave. "Oh right, if you don't mind sharing, what's your ability? Just curious is all." He hoped that wasn't too awkward a question to ask, it shouldn't be. They were partners now after all, he'd need to know her ability so they could work together, right? [@onenote]