Here's mine. [hider=Gear Heart Mark 4] [b]Name:[/b] Gear Heart Mark 4 [b][url=]Appearance[/url][/b] [b]Age:[/b] 9 [b]Gender:[/b] None (But referred to in male terms.) [b]Race:[/b] Iron Golem [b]Skills:[/b] [list][*] Amazing Strength: What can he lift? An easier question would be what [i]can't[/i] he lift. [*] Incredible Durability: It'll take some serious effort to put him down. [*] Lacks Human Needs: Gear Heart needs no sleep, sustenance, or air. [*] Music Box: When the gears exposed by the heart shaped hole in the golem's chest start turning, a built in music box begins playing a beautiful [url=]song[/url]. [*] Rapid Plant Growth: For unknown reasons, poppies, vines, and dandelions occasionally grow rapidly across Gear Heart's body. Whether he can control this or not is anyone's guess. [*] 6th Sense: Gear Heart always innately knows Veronica's current location and if she's in danger.[/list] [b]History:[/b] Ever since their 1st appearance, golems have been universally considered a modern marvel. But none have been more so acclaimed than the Gear Heart models. Created by an eccentric gnome inventor through top secret methods, the Gear Hearts are as sought after and beneficial to their owners as they are rare. And with each version, Gear Hearts become even more sought after, even more of an asset, and even harder to find. So this begs the question. How did a minor noble like Baron Asmothe get his hands on such a golem? Honest payment? Dishonest villainy? Neither. The answer is much more simple and like the eccentric gnome who made the golems in the 1st place, rather strange. On the day of Veronica's 1st birthday, she was stolen from her crib by 1 of the servants. The servant would have escaped unnoticed had it not been for a large box blocking the front door. After the servant was caught, the box was opened. Inside was a freshly made Gear Heart Mark 4. It was the 1st of its kind and the most advanced model at the time. Along with it came a note from the inventor wishing the baron luck with his cursed daughter. How the gnome knew of the curse or why he gave away a highly expensive golem free of charge is anyone's guess. But even so, Gear Heart has been around ever since and rarely leaves Veronica's side. [/hider]