[@Archmage MC] [quote=@Archmage MC] [b]Reality Siphon:[/b] Since Light is from the Void, she steals the reality of the physical world. Light gives off a 'creepy' feeling when touched as she steals away the reality of the object or person shes touching. When an object has lost some reality, it is unable to gain energy from other sources but itself until its reality is restored. When Light isn't touching something, it regains its reality back after a short period depending on how much was lost, which is even faster for living things. If an object or enemy loses all of its reality, it fades into the Void, although beings with life energy take quite awhile to fade. Beings who can reality warp themselves have a massive resistance to this ability, as do massive or cosmic entities. Void beings are completely immune. This power can't be turned off and Light has no control over its intensity. [/quote] Also, that. Though a small hug, FF wouldn't mind. Don't worry.