[h2]Sir Tyaethe Radistirin[/h2] She had expected more resistance to the demands for transparency, given that this would mean exposing the idiots that wanted to use the shard--or had failed to protect it--to criticism about their actions. It left nothing more for her to continue strongly on, leading to a rather weak: "Well... get someone from the church to give them a history lesson. The sword itself was evil and when the pieces show up again [i]people die[/i]. You can't use something for good if it kills any good person that tries to take a hold of it." Awkwardly making her way out of the room with a mention that she would see if Merilia could be persuaded to help with restoring any defences for when the shard was eventually regained, now that the mage was starting to take a look at the knights again for whatever reason, the paladin finally noticed that she hadn't been making this journey on her own. It was a good thing that the only sensitive topic covered had been one that he was there for. Though there was a question that needed answering as she began to navigate through the halls towards the exit and back to Candaeln: "Why are you following me?" [@TheFake] [hr] [h2]Lilianna Belwiss[/h2] "We need a plan that relies on more than our enemy possessing a particular level of bravado, Sunfield," the duellist said, rubbing her head. It was all very well and good having a plan that couldn't possibly fail if it got to the final step--the overwhelming level of force that would be present once Veldt and Ithillin made a move would wipe out any number of rebels. "Step back and think: what are we to do if they see through any disguises and realise Fanilly is travelling with the knights? Or if they do not [i]know[/i] what the knights are supposed to look like and assume that any armed force in her company must be the Knights? They have no goal to complete that requires the captain's death; even a small amount of caution will leave us with no battle. All this assumes that locals would miss the scale of forces assembling upon the borders."