[@Suku] [B]NPC: Ai Hanazawa - Hallway, Saturday Morning[/b] "Hehe." The elder girl held her left index finger up in front of a mischievous smile. "If it isn't, we can hide you, right, Isami-chan?" She gave the kendoka a wink, before hiding both her hands behind her back and twirling away to take further steps down the hallway that lead to the drama clubroom. Maybe the chief [i]would[/i] get a bit annoyed, but they didn't know that yet~! It was like that German cat experiment Okacchin always liked talking about: whether or not she'd see angry Yamamoto again was still an unknown until she and Isami-chan were watching the performance. Hopefully he wouldn't though, hiding her precious little kouhai wasn't going to be all that easy, and it'd be a shame for the kendo girl to miss out on more of their performances. It might've been tooting her own horn, but Hanazawa thought their plays were pretty good!