[centre][h2][color=00aeef]Artorigios[/color][/h2] [i]Virtual Reality World: Homeworld[/i][/centre] Artorigios stood outside Trinity Church, New York City. He had assumed that, along with the other clues, the theme was apparently the [i]National Treasure[/i] film and the Trinity symbol he had discovered on the bell was clearly pointing him here. He looked around but there weren't that many passersby so he entered the silent church, closing the doors behind him as he did so. There weren't any visible players in the church, nor were there any NPCs. He stood for a moment, eyes closed to use his listen skill to its max but there was no sound except from outside on the street. He swiped down a small window on his display and brought up his Quest folder, filled with blog links, news resources and anything else he could come up with which he thought to be relevant. On his way he had transferred a digital copy of National Treasure to the folder and bookmarked the scene where they entered Trinity Church in the film; now he loaded the film up and pinched the window so that it wasn't in his way but he could follow the steps there. After finding the wall grave indicated in the film he minimsed the film and pushed on the plaque. Thankfully he didn't need to destroy it like they did in the film and the plaque just disappeared, revealing a small hole into which he could climb. Drawing an electric torch from his inventory, Artorigios climbed into the empty grave and crawled along the tunnel it had revealed. As in the film, the other side was a deep cavern with a rickety wooden staircase leading to an ancient pulley. He trod carefully, it was unlikely that the area had been designed as in the film to be fragile but he wasn't going to take that risk at this point; who knew how close the next person might be behind him? The platform creaked from side to side eerily as he stepped onto it and activated the pulley system so that it sank into the darkness, his torch the only thing to illuminate it. It was a couple of minutes before he reached the next stage so he used the time to review the next part in the film but this proved pointless; as soon as she stopped off the wooden lift and onto the next platform he saw that this area bore no resemblance to the film at all. There was a plain rock face but there were no symbols or any of the features seen in the film. He began to search the walls, pressing his hands against them to see if there were any hidden entrances but nothing appeared. Frowning, he took a step back and looked again but nothing new revealed itself. Julius sighed, removing the VR gear and moving to the kitchen to pop the kettle on. As the water boiled he considered the new obstacle, only just noticing the quiet click that signalled the water had boiled. He opened the cupboard and stared inside, considering what tea leaf he wanted to use but found that he had forgotten to put on his glasses and he couldn't read the box labels. He went to retrieve his glasses and put them on, the world instantly becoming clearer as his vision was corrected. He paused, taking the glasses off and then putting them back on again before discarding them and slipping the VR gear back on; he knew what he was missing.