Hearing shouting from behind, Ysran did his best not to absolutely lose it. Turning around, a new man had appeared, charging towards the woman he had just met. He could let her die. Right here. Right now. But what fun would that be. Extending his hand forwards, Ysran spoke in an Occult tounge:[i][color=662d91]"Vis... Massale!"[/color][/i]. On command, a black orb flew out of Ysran's hand like a bat out of hell. Heading straight for this new figure, it landed right at his ankles, knocking him face-first to the ground. [color=662d91][i]Don't get up. If you're going to attack again, I will not let you off so easy. We are not with this Dark Lord guy. I don't even know who he is. We can all be friends here."[/i][/color]