Yeah, it gets difficult to not go on tangents about every little detail, hahaha. I'm glad you understand, though, the nature of my decidedly vague definitions. Explaining everything would take forever and, as you said, it's an opportunity for all of us to learn more about the 'universe' (myself included, some things in these particular RPs end up defying even what I'm prepared for); as well with the understanding that will eventually grow alongside the characters. What are you referring to when you say 'higher beings'? I'm assuming you mean the Moderators. Strangely, that's not their call to make. Prime Entities exist within every 'incarnate' Corporeal Reality. They're something of a constant between each Corporeal Reality that comes to be. Of course, Esoteric Reality (which does not have the same divisions that Corporeal Reality does, in terms of separate iterations of it existing have no instances of Prime Entities within its confines. Edit: Woops, left out a line.