[@DriveEMOut] [@LiegeLord] [@Mangrale] [@LiegeLord] [@Vampy] [@Mistiel] [@Dealdric] [@CajunRobinHood] Ivy bounced over to the new arrival. She beamed up st them. She was excited to met new people. She didn't notice that her brother was on his way to check on her. Nor did she seem to notice that she had been memorized for a few minutes. She bounced around them. [color=ed1c24]"HELLO! MY NAME IS IVY! WELCOME TO CAMP! I CAN CONTROL FIRE! WHAT CAN YOU DO? MY BROTHER BROUGHT ME TO CAMP! HE CAN CONTROL WATER! THE COUNSELORS ARE STRANGE! THEY MOVE AND TALK AT THE SAME TIME! CAN YOU ROCK CLIMB? THAT'S THE FIRST ACTIVITY OF THE DAY!"[/color] Kyle sighed when he saw Ivy start to act like herself. He didn't know what had caused the trouble but atleast his sister was acting like her usual self again. Which might not be so good for the new arrivals. His sister could be overwhelming. Hopefully they wouldn't react negatively to Ivy.