[@Blight Bug] "Ahaha! Reveal yourself, Slate Warrior!" the demon stepped out from under the flying castle, only for its face to be smashed in by Dokurorider's front wheel. "It may have been destroyed- but! It was all actually a part of my plan! For this means your monster loses 500 attack and 500 defense!" Dokurorider was made weakened. "Next, I'll activate my trap card! Reverse Reuse! I can special summon two flip monsters in my graveyard onto your side of the field! Since you've been such a good servant to the Dark Lord, I shall grant you my two Slate Warriors in face-down defense mode." The two demons materialized on the Ghoulish Rider's side of the field, then kneeled down, holding cards over them, disappearing into the darkness. [hider=State of the Board] Player Killer of Darkness Side Hand: 1 card ST (empty) - ST (empty) - ST (YL Shield) - ST (???) - ST (empty) MM (empty) - MM (empty) - MM (Empty, LZ) - MM (empty) - MM (???, LZ) (Ghoulish Rider)EM[EMPTY] [LINK PALACE]EM (Panik's) MM (empty) - MM (empty) - MM (Slate Warrior) - MM (Dokurorider Heisei) - MM (Slate Warrior) ST (empty) - ST (empty) - ST (empty) - ST (empty) - ST (empty) Ghoulish Rider - Traveler of Highway of Hell Side[/hider] [@Zepavil] "I don't need any of your pretentious nerd shit! I-" Archfiend Reverse appeared to glare at Archfiend Cosmocrat, the two appearing to have some kind of angst against the other, the cards both glowing on the field and even feeling hot to touch in spite of being cardboard otherwise. Tsunozuka grumbled. "I'll activate the effect of Archfiend Reverse-" it stared back at him- "to destroy Archfiend's Oath, and in return, you have to tribute one of your monsters..." Tsunozuka appeared possessed, as if he didn't want to use the move he did. "My turn... draw." he stated, before shaking his head as if to clear his mind. "Alright nerd! Let's go!" Thanks to Archfiend Palabyrinth, Archfiend Reverse was a whopping 3100 attack points, though thanks to all the cards in Taiyo's graveyard- partially thanks to Tsunozuka's moves itself, Archfiend Cosmocrat was also much bigger a threat to deal with. (How powerful is Cosmocrat?) Luckily for Tsunozuka, thanks to his opponent's Pandemonium card, he didn't have to worry about running out of monsters for the effect of Reverse. "I normal summon Archfiend General! Next, I'll activate the effect of Archfiend Reverse, destroying Archfiend General and thanks to Pandemonium, I can add another Archfiend to my hand!" [hider=State of the Board]Tsunozuka Side LP: 500 Hand: 3 Grave: Red Resonator, Archfiend Atheling, Edge Imp Tomahawk, Shadow Tamer, Archfiend Vizier, Archfiend's Oath Banish: Edge Imp Sabres ST (empty) - ST (empty) - ST (empty - ST (empty) - ST (empty) - FZ (Archfiend Palabyrinth) MM (empty) - MM (empty) - MM (empty) - MM (empty) - MM (empty) (Archfiend Reverse)EM[Tsunozuka] - [Taiyou]EM(Archfiend Cosmocrat) [@Scarifar] "Ojama King. Attack his Life Points directly." he complied, the monster comically slamming against the other duelist, knocking his life points down to zero. The solid light quickly dissipated, as Manjoume walked over to Carnel. "You did good. Especially had me with that lock. Maybe with a little luck, you would've beaten me. I'm sure there's one card in your deck that could've definitely saved you." He smiled. "Why don't you take a look at the next card in your deck? See what it was going to be?"