Actually, looked over some stuff in confirming this, so here ya go [@GarlandDaHero] :P [quote=Crimmy] [@GarlandDaHero] KiMiko and Alex are talking to 3rd year drama club NPC Hayate around the school gates. He's planning on getting them to the drama clubroom, yeah. Suzune can either turn up art the gates or be in tye clubroom where they're having a short break. [/quote] [quote=JBRam2002] [center][h2][color=ed1c24][i]Kimiko Maita[/i][/color][/h2][/center] "Perhaps if the Drama Club is looking for 'dudes,' you should focus your recruitment efforts on Farce-san." Nope. Still not right. "If you intend the colloquial definition of 'dudes,' you may wish to look for someone who is not already involved in a club. Chorus takes up the majority of my free time, and I have little interest in parading on a stage in gaudy outfits pretending to be someone I am not." As if Kimiko didn't do that every day anyways when she worked at the shrine. [/quote]