[@KOgaming] The Ghoulish Rider - Traveler of the Highway of Hell simply nodded in various directions in the darkness as Panik activated their trap card. For [i]some[/i] reason, the Player Killer of Darkness allowed Fyodor to possess his monsters. What to do with these two boons or curses? The thought of it lingered in his mind as Dokurorider Heisei - Absolute Sovereign of the Damned grumbled out clearly annoyed at that other Slate Warrior's giblets were mucking up the ride. [color=f7941d][i]"I appreciate the gesture oh Esteemed Panik. There is nothing else I yearn to do with this turn; so I shall pass it off to you."[/i][/color] The Ghoulish Rider - Traveler of the Highway of Hell performed a flourish of the hand. [hider=All Nightmare Long]Player Killer of Darkness Side ST (empty) - ST (empty) - ST (YL Shield) - ST (???) - ST (empty) MM (empty) - MM (empty) - MM (Empty, LZ) - MM (empty) - MM (???, LZ) (Ghoulish Rider)EM[EMPTY] [LINK PALACE]EM (Panik's) MM (??? -DOWN) - MM (empty) - MM (Slate Warrior - DOWN) - MM (Dokurorider Heisei -UPATK) - MM (Slate Warrior -DOWN) ST (empty) - ST (empty) - ST (empty) - ST (empty) - ST (empty) Ghoulish Rider - Traveler of Highway of Hell Side[/hider]