[center][h3][color=0054a6]Jehan de Challon[/color] - [color=a187be]Amare Internellis[/color][/h3][/center] [hr] [quote=Arthanus] "[color=39b54a]So one of the fallen were one of yours?[/color]" Silas asked already knowing the answer from the mood around the group. "[color=39b54a]I am sorry for your loss, but as I am sure you know his sacrifice saved countless innocents who couldn't fight back.[/color]" Silas said looking at the pyre. "[color=39b54a]Luckily there is only seven dead so far. It could have been much worse. None of these men will be forgotten, I will personally see to that much at least.[/color]" [/quote] Jehan turned his head to Silas as he spoke. [color=0054a6]"Yes."[/color] he answered after a moment and turned to look at the flames again. Jehan did not believe in what Silas said. Henri, and the others who spent their lives so that others may live on would be forgotten, just like everyone would be, given time. Certainly not today, or tomorrow or indeed for the rest of Jehan's life would Henri be forgotten. Thought of less often he would be by the time Jehan's end came, that much was certain, but not forgotten. Likewise he would not be forgotten by Johannes, Charles or Michael or even his archers. Perhaps his name would survive as a memory of a story for some time longer in any of their future children. Perhaps his story would be written down, but books burned, wasted away, disappeared. Even things written on stone would waste away given enough time. All of them would be forgotten in the vastness that was time like all that already forgotten, never to be known ever again. To be forgotten, it was the fate that awaited them all, and all their souls. It a bit of a sad thought, yet it was also felt proper in a way; that even the grandest of Emperors would be forgotten, as sure as the poorest of beggars. So would Henri, the squire who would have been a great Knight but been forgotten all the same. Jehan smiled as he looked at the flames. But he did not bother to dispute Silas' words. [color=0054a6]"Henri was my squire, and a damn good one."[/color] Jehan explained instead and looked up at the rising smoke. [color=0054a6]"The Blood Rose irregulars"[/color] Jehan began, announcing his change of subject. He turned his head just enough to look at Silas, [color=0054a6]"You do plan to make it a [i]proper[/i] company?"[/color] [center][h3]The Next Day[/h3][/center] [hr] It was with the first rays of sunlight though the tent opening Jehan awoke from a night of deep, much needed sleep. He took his time preparing himself for the coming day, and spent some time with the rest of the lance. All of them were in a better mood and they ate together at the remains of the night's fire. Not that there was any fire left now, so the morning air was cool on his skin with the sun's rays not being warm enough just yet. Jehan felt better then yesterday, in both body and soul. Most aches had left him during the night, though there was still a certain amount of sadness around Henri, it was no longer as pressing. He expected the others felt much the same. Much came before thinking of what could or would have been. Other matters had to be settled, preparations made and decisions to take. Jehan had a single decision to make. It was one that should not wait for longer then necessary. He needed a squire, and his entire lance expected it to be Johannes he knew. Johannes was the obvious choice being strong, old enough and smart, a most useful feature in any young man. But Jehan knew Johannes better then the simple uses he could serve. Simple put, Johannes was not at all ready to become his squire. Johannes taking Henri's place the day after his fall; no, it would not do. There was however another choice none of them considered. Jehan observed Johannes quietly for a moment before meeting eyes with Charles who had been inspecting him much in the same way. Charles raised his eyebrows, the question obvious but unspoken. Jehan rose, and Charles stood in the following moment. [color=0054a6]"I will return soon."[/color] Jehan announced as if they were not expecting him to make Johannes squire. Charles opened his mouth to speak but Jehan silenced him with a look before turning, leaving the lance behind. He knew they would all be harbouring questions now, but they would be answered upon his return, or at least so he hoped. It did not take long to find Amare, since his tent was only a few lines away. It helped that the ashen-haired man was sitting outside his tent with his sword and whetstone. Amare had, by all accounts, done well in the battle and Jehan saw great potential, but he was certain that it was something that could be improved further. Jehan approached and stopped in front Amare, covering the morning sun. Jehan was dressed in a blue doublet of fine quality. Fine enough for an army camp at any rate. His sword hung from his plaque belt, which was the only thing that really showed his status as a Count's son. It was a highly decorated with enamelled surfaces showing the heraldic symbol of House de Challon. [color=0054a6]"Amare"[/color] Jehan said in greeting with a slight nod before stepping out of the way of the sun. Jehan inspected him for a moment. [color=0054a6]"Do you know the curse that afflict all men?"[/color] he asked, scratching his chin casually as if that was a normal question. [color=a187be]"The insatiable desire to interrupt others as they are attending their own business? Or is it the need to ask such questions at such an early time in the morning?"[/color] Replied the young mercenary, the early mornings did not fair him very well as they usually did. Though the tone of his voice sounded more playful than it did annoyed, Amare knew better than to come off as rude especially with a man he had spent fighting beside the day before in a bloody battle. It also had taken him a while to realize that it was in fact Jehan, for this time, he had worn no armor and instead clothed himself with a more formal attire as it complemented his noble appearance. His clean yet stern face, short golden blonde hair, bright blue eyes, and fair skin were all indications of his inheritance from the southern peoples of the Empire especially with that predominant long nose of his. It was first time looking at Jehan and after hearing his voice did he realize that it was in fact the young knight he had fought beside despite never seeing his face before. The knight had a look that complemented his noble background as well as a body language and speech that could identify his nobility instantly. Amare grinned before breaking eye contact, turning back to sharpening his bastard sword which had been dulled the day before. [color=a187be]"Oh, I'm only kidding, though if you are to ask such questions then I should let you know: I am not very good with riddles. I'm afraid I'm not as sharp as steel."[/color] Jehan chuckled and grinned. [color=0054a6]"Oh, I always interrupt others, and I am the great terror of the morning; he who asks philosophical questions."[/color] he said, then made a sound that was almost a chuckle but was something closer to a [i]'Heh'[/i]-sound. Jehan held out a hand, [color=0054a6]"May I?"[/color] he asked, glancing at the sword. Amare put the sword in his hand and Jehan stepped back swinging the sword in the air a little bit, feeling the weight and the way it handled. Jehan stalked in half circle as the swung the sword through the air. He stopped, and looked back at Amare with a half-hidden smirk, [color=0054a6]"Walk with me"[/color] he said, then started to walk off, still doing some lazy movements with Amare's sword. [color=0054a6]"Tell me"[/color] Jehan said as they walked through the camp, [color=0054a6]"What is your current goal, that can be obtained within a reasonable amount of time?"[/color] [color=a187be]"Well, I hope to join the Irregulars."[/color] Amare exchanged casually, wondering when Jehan was to give back his bastard sword Daeniel, a sturdy weapon given to him by his former company while the knight played as if it were a just a regular sword. Walking to wherever they were headed, the ashen haired mercenary pondered to why he brought him out in the first place though nonetheless chose to play whatever game he had presented to him as he continued the conversations during their walk around the camp. [color=a187be]"If that's what someone might call reasonable. A hired sword is all I am my lord, and I've survived this long in my youth and probably have another good several years ahead of me. Or at least I hope."[/color] He added in honesty, though Jehan had no response. It did not take long to reach their destination, a spot not to far away from Jehan's lance, but not close enough to be noticed at once. Jehan stopped and leaned against one of the army wagons. He watched his lance. Charles was having the two valets spar with the archers watching close by. Jehan smiled, then looked back to Amare. [color=0054a6]"What is the curse of all men?"[/color] he asked again, returning to the same question he had asked earlier. He held up Amare's sword, offering it back to him hilt first. Jehan knew full well doing what he was doing could annoy someone plenty, but if Amare got annoyed, Jehan wanted to know how much it would show. [color=a187be]"Well, if you want me to play your game..."[/color] Amare said with a slight tone of annoyance before slowly reaching for his sword from Jehan's naked hands. The young mercenary hadn't the slightest of what the noble knight wanted. [i]Was it some sporadic attempt at philosophy? At this early in the morning?[/i] Amare certainly was not an educated man, seeing that he left home at such a young age and never truly reached University though he could have. No. Amare was just some young mercenary, nothing more than what someone would expect from an intellectual. [color=a187be]"I'd say the false belief of intuition; The belief that most would firmly surmise to have control over a situation when they in fact do not. I suppose that most would rather be fond of convincing themselves of a white lie than a dark truth."[/color] He said, remembering how Sonya could not save the life of Jasper as she wish she could. Amare looked at his own reflection through the steel of his blade before getting a good glance at his work, its edges sharp and clear as bright as day. Looking back at the knight with a solemn look, Amare returned his sword in its scabbard which he held in the other hand. [color=a187be]"Though I assume that's not the answer you were looking for."[/color] Jehan considered Amare's answer for a moment. [color=0054a6]"No"[/color] he said slowly, [color=0054a6]"It wasn't but that is not necessarily a bad thing."[/color] Jehan was quiet for a moment. Then he turned to face Amare fully, [color=0054a6]"I have a simple offer for you, which was actually my purpose instead of terrorizing you with questions in the morning. I offer you to become my squire; it will involve what you would expect, but by the end well.. I hardly need to explain."[/color] The offer was delivered easily, almost casually, his voice and features relaxed yet Jehan could not help but think perhaps it was to soon. He knew that it probably was not, but cold facts often had little effects on opinions formed by emotion. The offer was, to all extends and purposes an uncommon one. 'People' didn't just become squires to Knights out of the blue. The post of squires were generally reserved for the sons of the gentry. Not only was the post of a squire a good one to start earning a name in certain circles, it was a place to learn various things, be it swordsmanship or proper manners. Then, by the end of it all, the chance to become a Knight in his own right which, even as a new one came with perks no sane man would deny. The reasoning behind Jehan's offer was simple enough; he head seen competence and potential in Amare but the potential needed to be released. [color=a187be]"That's an interesting offer."[/color] Amare paused and gave himself time to think. This wasn't just some vein conversation - No. This was an opportunity at hand. A son of a small businessman who was to be a squire which by itself was to be a rare occasion. He heard of the few knights who had originally came from the peasantry, becoming lords and holding lands and houses on their own. Perhaps it was his hard work finally being rewarded, his dream of becoming a great man was finally to be foretold and at such a young age. For the moment was stupefied, unable to distinguish the feeling of either appreciation or doubt - though didn't show in his solemn pale face. A part of the ashen haired mercenary wished not to be under the wing of anyone, given his short experience as a freelance since his years after a guild member. Though to swear an allegiance to a nobleman would mean to share a host of opportunities that were at hand for a nobleman like Jehan to which Amare found comfort in. Jehan was a good man who Amare, despite knowing him for a few hours, he felt compelled to keep fighting beside this young knight. [color=a187be]"If that means to get a piece of the action then I'm in."[/color] He finally answered looking back at the blonde knight, grinning with sincerity. Jehan watched Amare as his offer was considered. The younger man's face showed nothing but Jehan could imagine what was going through his head. It was not the kind of offer one turned down, but at the same time it was a commitment which could not simply be broken. It was, in many ways, a decision that would impact the rest of Amare's life. Jehan smiled widely, showing teeth. [color=0054a6]"Very good"[/color] he said, obviously pleased. He put a hand to Amare's shoulder, turning him towards the lance. [color=0054a6]"Come."[/color] he said as he started walking, [color=0054a6]"I shall introduce you to the rest of the lance, and your new duties. Formalities can come later."[/color] Jehan took the opportunity to explain the lance organization during the short walk to the area occupied by the lance. The wind picked up, buffeting the entire force of men. But the introductions to the lance were easy and the lance accepted him without complaint. After the introductions were completed, Jehan found a stool to sit on before telling the valets to introduce the new squire to his tasks. The two valets quickly descended on Amare with explanations, lists of things to remember and what would be expected of them all. Yes, this would be his life for now, leaving his old life as a freelance mercenary to begin his new formal training as a newly dubbed squire.