[center][h3][color=0072bc][u]Cyrus Tucker[/u][/color][/h3][/center] The pizza had been served and devoured until their wasn't a single slice remaining. The siblings all wiped the mouths with several paper napkins after they licked the pizza sauce from their lips and rubbed their satiated bellies. Cyrus collected and stacked the dirty dishes submerging them in soapy water filling the sink and the table was quickly wiped clean with a warm rag. Two of them immediately left to fight over which channel was going to be on the television, with their arguments loud enough to be heard from their dining room. [color=0072bc]“Cut it out you two, mom's going to home soon and she doesn't need to hear your bickering.”[/color] Cyrus called out watching the one who had woken him up, pushing the chairs back toward the table. Cyrus put his hand on her head and petted it a bit causing her to look up and smile. [color=0072bc]“I got the rest, thanks for helping.”[/color] Watching her leave while he started scrubbing the dishes, including the ones leftover from yesterday with the rough side of a sponge. Hearing that the arguing had stopped and after finally completing his cleaning, letting out a brief sigh. Cyrus walked through the hallway spotting his siblings watching some cartoons, sitting down and staying calm for the most part. Quietly heading to his bedroom and sitting down by his desk, starting his laptop and instantly going to a search bar to investigate the strange device that appeared while showering. Cyrus pulled the device from his pocket and rested on his desk. [color=0072bc][i]“Wonder what this little gadget is suppose to do?”[/i][/color] Cyrus pondered not discovering anything online that matched his suggestions. Suddenly, the laptop and digivice started glowing , nearly covering the bedroom in blinding white light. Which caused him to grab the digivice which was getting quite warm in his hands. [i][color=0072bc]“Are they overheating by being in the same proximity?”[/color][/i] Cyrus thought before suddenly feeling gravity dragging him closer to his laptop. [b][i][color=0072bc]“Not good!”[/color][/i][/b] Within an instant Cyrus vanished from his bedroom, the moment he opened his eyes noticing he was standing in the middle of a sprawling blossoming meadow with various exotic plant life with primary colors. Cyrus held his head as the harsh breeze nearly blowing off his hat. He gawked at his surroundings, his nose twitching from the sudden strong flowery aromas that nearly caused him to sneeze. He blinked and rubbed his eyes but everything remained. [color=0072bc]“Well I'm clearly not dreaming...did I really just experience teleportation?”[/color] Cyrus questioned aloud, sticking his index finger in his mouth and sticking it up into the air and waiting for a moment. [i][color=0072bc]“The wind is blowing west, the opposite direction it was back home. It's a lot stronger too and it was completely overcast...”[/color][/i] While he stared up at the completely clear blue sky, scratching the back of his head. Taking a moment to process the possibilities, pulling out the device that somehow was back into his pocket. He rubbed his chin before reaching into his other pocket and pulling out a case of gum, smiling briefly that he still had that. Throwing a couple pieces in his mouth and chewing them, walking around a bit while analyzing his current situation for answers. [i][color=0072bc]“Did this device come from this world? Then did the device send me here? Is this an accident or on purpose? I have a strange feeling like I've been chosen and just got sucked into a completely differently world...meaning I'll probably come across some colorful characters as I try to find my way back home.”[/color][/i] Cyrus speculated. Suddenly images popped into his head, letting out a big gulp. [color=0072bc]“I just really hope this world doesn't have any evil flying monkeys and talking lions...”[/color] Cyrus nervously laughed with his voice cracking in between words. [center][h3][color=f26522][u]Firamon[/u][/color][/h3][/center] Every [url=http://digimon.wikia.com/wiki/Otamamon]Otamamon[/url] and [url=http://digimon.wikia.com/wiki/Gekomon]Gekomon[/url] had gathered together from their small village in the middle of the dense woods, bordering a fast flowing river that had been completely barricaded with a dam. As they were all clamoring beside Firamon who simply smiled at them all. [color=a2d39c]“Thanks a lot mister!”[/color] Gekomon exclaimed with a nasally tone. [color=7ea7d8]“Yeah, you helped us for so long. Are you sure you didn't want anything?”[/color] An Otamamon asked in a high pitched feminine voice. The Firamon shook his head slightly. [color=f26522]“Yes, it's a warrior's job to provide his assistant without the demand for compensation. My reward is working hard and you're kind words are plenty.”[/color] Firamon stated with a boisterous voice. Firamon turned around and started walking away when the Gekomon had quickly approached him. [color=a2d39c]“Wait, you're leaving so soon? I mean...our village usually doesn't like outsiders-but you're one of the good guys! You're welcome back anytime.”[/color] Gekomon called out before Firamon turned around to face them. [color=f26522]“I appreciate the offer, but I must go and continue searching for my purpose. I'm hoping to find others I can help like your village.” [/color]Firamon stated. Gekomon simply grinned and rubbed the back of his head. [color=a2d39c]“Well then-break a leg Firamon!”[/color] Gekomon commented. Firamon stared oddly and tilted his head.[color=f26522] “Hmm...that's a slightly rude thing to say.” [/color]Firamon uttered. Gekomon mildly gasped and waved his hands. [color=a2d39c]“No! Uh-that means good luck.”[/color] Gekomon clarified. Firamon simply nodded despite still being obviously confused, before flying off through the air. The Gekomon and Otamamon wave him goodbye as he got farther away. [color=7ea7d8]“A digimon like that won't survive long in this world!”[/color] Otamamon uttered. As the Gekomon sighed while nodding his head in agreement. [center][h3][u][color=a187be]Nicole Brooks[/color][/u][/h3][/center] [color=f49ac2]“Oh, it's you again. Joey right? Enjoying the new job?”[/color] The woman greeted with a warm smile taking a bag from the young man with a large mailbag slung over his shoulders. He smiled back at her and tipped his mailman hat. [color=fff200]“Thanks Ms. Mercier, it puts money in the bank for me and the missus. Busy day, have a good afternoon.”[/color] The young man stated before quickly heading back into his van and drove away. She simply shook her head a little, letting out a slight chuckle. [color=f49ac2]“Young love is so sweet.”[/color] She chirped before walking back into the kitchen noticing Nicole was no longer present, but her bowl had already been set into the sink and was rinsed out. She could hear the television playing in the background, smiling slightly grabbing some scissors from a drawer and cutting open her paper bag picking up a medicine bottle in her hand, carefully examining the label. [quote] [b][u]Donepezil[/u][/b] Take one at the same time every day. 15 mg. 35 count. [/quote] She opened the bottle and filled a glass with water and grabbed one of the pills and put it on the tip on her tongue and washed it down. Before walking toward her living room, carrying the glass half filled with water. [color=f49ac2]“What are you watching in there, Nicole? Is it any good?”[/color] She cheerfully questioned suddenly spotting Nicole staring in awe while holding a strange device glowing brightly with her extended hand. Her widescreen television was glowing just as brightly, the woman could hardly see. As a sudden flash caused her to shut her eyes from the intensity, once she had opened her eyes her television was off and Nicole had vanished from sight, the glass shattered to the ground. [color=f49ac2][b]“Nicole!?” [/b][/color] Nicole looked around covered in near darkness, except for unnatural purple glowing moss covering parts of the trees that looked decayed and dead. There wasn't any color other than black, even the soil beneath her shoes. Nicole blinked hearing sounds of screams coming from the distance. Nicole looked down at the device, she held in her hand and frowned. [color=a187be]“Aw...my shoes are getting dirty.”[/color] Nicole stated letting out a mild sigh, starting to walk through the dense forest. [color=a187be]“How'd I get here?”[/color] Nicole uttered softly to herself. [i][color=a187be]“I'm going to miss my show...”[/color][/i]