[hr] [b]Mahlimae 1[/b] She is the keeper of fire and anger. Your side effect is extreme heat! At the start your character slowly will start to become warmer and warmer. Sweat stains and stinky pits galore. You will want to take off your clothes as often as possible and drink cold drinks to help with the heat coming inside you. This will cause anger, delusions, and heat mirages later on in the story. Your ultimate is setting fire to things you touch, including other human beings. [hr] [b]Mahlimae 2[/b] She is the keeper of ice and silence. At the opposite end of Mahlimae 1, your side effect is extreme cold! At the start your character will become colder and colder. This will not be too noticeable as it IS winter in Alta Vista but you will notice your personality getting colder and colder too. You become mean and nasty towards your friends and family. Icicles will start to form from ALL holes your body has. Is that a icicle in your pants or are you just happy to see me? Eventually you will become very slow and almost in hibernation mode as your body begins to shut down. Your ultimate is a frozen state, where you will be unable to move. [hr] [b]Mahlimae 3[/b] He is the keeper of sight and dreams. This Mahlimae is one of the youngest of the group but he doesn't lack in his side effects. At the start your character will start to have some sight problems, which can include anything from temporary blindness and small hallucinations. You may see in one color from time to time. Things will become more and more scary as your realities and dreams become mixed. Your ultimate is a state of confusion where you will not be able to tell the difference between what is real, fake, or when you are awake or asleep. [hr] [b]Mahlimae 4[/b] He is the keeper of body and appearance. This Mahlimae is the most naive of the the group, and tends to be the most playful. His appearance changes often and so will yours. Your character will start to grow hair in odd places, and then lose hair in others. It will at first be slow and unnoticeable, but eventually it will become so quick and vast that you will be unrecognizable at points. Your ultimate side effect is when your body begins malfunctioning as well. Parts will become large or small, making your organs not work as properly as they should. [hr] [b]Mahlimae 5[/b] She is the keeper of age and time. This Mahlimae is the oldest of the group. Your character's side effect is at first losing track of time, or time stopping or starting. Your character will think they talked to another character a minute ago and it's been hours. Eventually time will begin making your character age rapidly. The ultimate form will be you becoming old and wrinkled and all the fun stuff of being very very old. [hr] [b]Mahlimae 6[/b] He is the keeper of youth and immaturity. This Mahlimae is the youngest and baby of the group. Your characters side effects are opposite of Mahlimae number 5. Your character's actions towards the other characters will soon become more childish and immature as time goes by. Eventually time will be begin making your character be like Benjamin Button- and start aging in the opposite direction. Your ultimate form will be a small infant baby that will require the others to take care of you to pretty much survive. [hr] [b]Mahlimae 7[/b] She is the keeper of urges and primal feelings. This Mahlimae is more often than not cast aside by the other Mahlimaes. They think she is too wild and too unpredictable to get anything accomplished. Your character will begin by having small twitches and impulsive moves of the body. You will say things out loud that you will regret. Eventually you will become more and more wild and resort back to the caveman days of grunting and smashing things around. Your ultimate form will turn you into a crazy and feral version of yourself, not remembering any proper ways to be a normal member of society. You will fling your poop and like it. [hr] [b]Mahlimae 8[/b] She is the keeper of love and passion. This Mahlimae is the motherly figure of the group. She is always kissing owies and making sure all of the Mahlimaes are taken care of and feel loved. Your character will begin by being more affectionate than usual, and a lot more inclined for romantic actions than usual. Eventually your character will begin falling in love with all of the other characters, intensely. You will become like a stalker for each of the characters and try to be involved with them at every moment you can get. Your ultimate is a charming yet terrifying succubus like form where everyone that you can get to get some type of attention back from you will kidnap and trap them in your basement. [hr]