[quote=@Hammerman] [@Moonlit Sonata] Would you be the one making NPCs as well or are we allowed to? [/quote] If you have suggestions then feel free to shoot me a PM, but the NPCs will be just that, [u]N[/u]PCs. [@Holy Grail] She did not find a way to accelerate time in a normal human science scrub world. The DeLorean exploded and she died like that. I'm so sorry. Gift is limited to one target at a given point in time. As was stated previously, I'll generally advise against limited Gifts like these that have a very set and obvious path of expansion, but if you're sure you want to go through with it then feel free. [@txgood2] Remove the comment of how other goblins see him. That's the sort of thing that should emerge naturally during roleplay, rather than being imposed in the CS. The Gift is fine, but keep in mind that even if he gains access to human technology he'll still be well below human inventors who have studied this sort of thing properly, given the weakness of his soul currently. [@LeonVon] Good to go. [@Hammerman] I'm understanding the ability more as language comprehension than anything else, and that she has the starting point of having some understanding of the human language. If that's not the case though, let me know. [hr] Feeling much less sick today, so once the day's obligations have been wrapped up (which will be in about seven hours), I'll write up the OOC.