Alex had been in two prisons. The first prison was made of metal. It was metal bars, metal walls, and metal doors. It was moving. The second prison was his on mind. When he was not eating or sleeping, he was balled up in a corner. He would mutter to himself, [color=mediumpurple] "Something is preventing me to using my power. This seems intentional. So either they know something may power can do that I don't, or there is others. Though, it appears they want us alive, but death might be preferable to what they want to do to me. They don't seem to care about our comfort, like we are just animals." [/color] Though, one thing particularly caught his interest. He could see a single word on the wall from his cell, "Apotheosis". He had never heard the word before, but it sounded Latin. He thought out loud, [color=mediumpurple]"-Osis, that means a disease right. Are we sick? I don't think we heading to a hospital though."[/color] When the train derailed, he had a split second to throw his arms up to protect his head, though that was not enough to stop him going unconscious. He woke up shortly after, bruised and slightly bloody, but he was pretty sure none of his bones broke. He had seen another person in the train with him, but he was already gone by time he woke up. As the fog of just waking up began to lift, a thought came to mind, [color=mediumpurple]"Run."[/color] It was a primal emotion filled by adrenaline. He weakly stumbled away from the train until reaching a stream, at which he let him collapse to the ground. [color=mediumpurple]"I just need a minute."[/color] he said, weakly trying to assure himself.