Well, four is twice as much as two, and much more than zero, so I guess I really ought to drop more info and keep interest up. Tomorrow I'll get the OOC up and start taking applications, but until then I'll tell you fine lot about how you'll be navigating this mansion. The first thing to note is that I needed to design this mansion so that it could accommodate a variable number of players, since I could never know just how much interest this would garner. I also didn't want to bog things down with grids and numbers and math, which is the reason behind the second rule listed above as well. To these ends I decided to [I]not[/I] draw up a floor plan of the manor but instead I have woven a web. Each room is akin to a bubble, connected to the other rooms by lines and thus forming a web that makes up the building. The lines that connect the 'bubbles' take the form of hallways, doors, secret passages, etc. Hopefully I explained this in a reasonable manner. I don't I have but that could be self-doubt. Anyways as I've stated before, throw at me any questions if you'd kindly and I'll answer them best I can. Tomorrow I'll try to get the OOC up so that we can get this moving, though life is what it is we'll see what happens. Until then my colleagues.