So the Amazons had been taken out and Diana might be the only one left alive of her people. A chilling thought, one that he would make sure never actualized. "I will. I'll do all I can, Diana, I promise you. Let's go see if they can withstand the power of both the Amazons AND a Kryptonian...a very angry Kryptonian." With a blur, he was garbed in his relatively new cape-less attire(suggested by his parents, who thought the cape was a bit too "tacky" for the twenty first century) and primed to go. "Will you need some help getting there or can you keep up?" He then offered an apologetic smile, knowing all too well that Diana wasn't going to need to have her hand held. "Sorry. You just arrived in such bad shape that-" He waved it off. "Never mind. Let's get going." She wasn't exaggerating. In fact, he felt like she was understating the carnage. He could see the flames burning, smoke billowing from the once proud structures build by the first Amazonians, the bodies of the fallen lacerated with gashes, punctured with gaping stab wounds... It was a massacre. Genocide almost. When they touched down, the duo found themselves on one of the many cobblestone paved square shaped common areas that were used for debates, political meetings and other verbose matters that normally aided in the edification of those in earshot. Now there was nothing but a morbid silence echoing across the space. A moment later, shadowy, inky forms emerged from behind the chaos, their blades dripping with greenish-blue fluid intermingled with the familiar coppery scent of blood. Their uniforms were head to toe black except for a small red insignia on the upper right chest. "You might want to reconsider this." Without a word, the forms launched an attack, somersaulting and leaping their way to the heroes with reckless precision. "They never do." He whispered under his breath as he caught one by the leg attempting to deliver a downward slash from mid-air, slamming his body into the ground while shooting a concentrated blast of frost from his mouth, encapsulating two more in ice. Diana seemed to be faring just fine, but to make sure she didn't get reinjured, the man of steel dashed to a would-be attacker and rammed into him with his shoulder, sending the form flying backwards several feet into a piece of rubble before collapsing to the ground. "Their weaponry..." With the attackers subdued, Clark realized fully that they were carrying swords. Some had bows slung over their backs. Who... Oh no. "The League of Shadows. Bruce was right." A scream shot out of a building just north of where they were, several more forms flitting out of the air and into the entrance of the building, completely ignoring the heroes. "What's in the building that they would want?"