[hider=Morgur] Name: Morgur Race: Demon grunt Gender: Male Age: 27 Alignment: Chaotic evil Height: 6’2 Weight: 200 lbs Appearance: http://fc02.deviantart.net/fs71/f/2012/158/f/e/fe33a24de74fd387e3b5c13ac2f831d6-d33ljh4.jpg Personality: Morgur, like many other grunts, was bred to fight and kill under the command of his overlords and he follows their orders without question. He’s a cruel, sadistic creature who takes nothing but pleasure from violence and bloodshed. Powers/Abilities Physical enhancements – As a demon bred for battle, Morgur is stronger and faster than most humans. He can lift up to 1500 lbs and can sprint at up to 40 mph. This in extension also makes him a better jumper and climber. Stone skin – Morgur’s skin has a hard and course consistency similar to gravel, greatly increasing his physical defense. His head is also covered by a thick external skull, for additional defence. Fire breath – Morgur can spew fire from his mouth in a narrow cone up to 15 foot far. He can only do this for about 10 seconds at a time before having to recharge. Equipment Black steel battle ax – Heavy, but otherwise mundane. Ironwood shield – A round shield made of wood that has been petrified to make it stronger and more fire resistant. [/hider]