[URL=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Bm1g5Yg0hUw][INDENT][B][SUP][SUB][H3][color=steelblue]S E B A S T I A N S C O T T:[/color][/H3][/SUB][/SUP][/B][/INDENT][hr][INDENT][sup][COLOR=SILVER]Monday September 26[SUP]TH[/SUP] - 2:13 PM | Mather Memorial High School[/COLOR][/sup][/INDENT][/URL] [INDENT][INDENT]He should just leave. Sebastian's face was anything but happy as it turned out that thus far, Kit Renard had been honest. He was in fact, not the Draoi that was hunting them. That however didn't mean he was telling the truth, nor did it mean he actually had the power to back up what he was saying. Perhaps he was another enemy entirely. Jonas could be in danger at this very moment, captured by some giggling arrogant stick of a man while the class was taken down to the cafeteria of all places for who knows what? Maybe this punk-ass ate teenagers. Looking at the other members of the Social Conscience class, Sebastian's thoughts turned rapidly as he weighed the pros and cons of staying with the group versus leaving them to Kit. The problem was, Kit seemed to think he was in charge here and Sebastian just couldn't live with that. [COLOR=STEELBLUE][B]"You know what."[/B][/COLOR] Sebastian stopped as he turned to Kit. [COLOR=STEELBLUE][B]"Fuck you, fuck your lame coat and fuck your attempt at taking this class over. You're not Jonas, you'll never be Jonas and no one will ever respect you like they do Jonas."[/B][/COLOR] Sebastian roared, the beast inside stirring again before he turned towards the cafeteria doors. [COLOR=STEELBLUE][B]"I'm out, like you, I don't have time for time wasters."[/B][/COLOR] Slamming the cafeteria doors open, the force of Sebastian's arms derailed the sliding doors as they sat in a loop of stuck motion trying to close until the components gave out and the motors quit. With his outburst echoing behind him, Sebastian excited Mather Memorial. It was time to find Jonas. Looking back to see if anyone had followed him, Sebastian ran straight into Elroy, the two teenagers tumbling down the remainder of the steps as they came to a halt. [COLOR=STEELBLUE][B]"YOU!"[/B][/COLOR] Sebastian roared as he lunged for the other boy, Elroy scrambling to get out of the enraged teenager's path to no avail as the much faster Hyperhuman caught him by the collar. [COLOR=STEELBLUE][B]"Why'd you accuse Jonas of kidnapping?"[/B][/COLOR] Sebastian snarled, his eyes full of rage as the nails on his fingers curled into his skin, his teeth growing longer and sharper by the second. [COLOR=SILVER][B]"B-b-because he locked me up!"[/B][/COLOR] Elroy stammered as Sebastian looked at him unconvinced. [COLOR=STEELBLUE][B]"No!"[/B][/COLOR] He roared, swinging Elroy around wildly like a rag doll, slamming him against the nearby half wall. [COLOR=STEELBLUE][B]"You're lying!"[/B][/COLOR] [COLOR=CADETBLUE][B]"Hey, Quickshot."[/B][/COLOR] A familiar voice called out as Sebastian loosened his grip on Elroy. [COLOR=CADETBLUE][B]"Pick on someone your own strength."[/B][/COLOR] A hand gripped the back of Sebastian's collar as Sebastian found himself carried through the air before impacting with the ground. Winded, Sebastian barely had time to react as he found himself in the air again, flung to the other side of his assailant before once again hitting the ground. [COLOR=STEELBLUE][B]"[sub]Rita...[/sub]"[/B][/COLOR] He managed to spit out as the girl stood over him smiling. [COLOR=CADETBLUE][B]"New and improved."[/B][/COLOR] She grinned back before leaning down and gripping Sebastian with both hands. [COLOR=CADETBLUE][B]"Bye, bye!"[/B][/COLOR] She smiled wickedly as Sebastian was hurled through the air, hitting the brick wall of the school's exterior with a sickening thud before slumping to the ground motionless. [COLOR=CADETBLUE][B]"Now then, where's the rest of those assholes."[/B][/COLOR] Rita muttered as she headed inside the school.[/INDENT][/INDENT]