Finally, a handgun. Ryobi felt at less of a disadvantage with the weapon in his hand, but caution was still needed. Pistol shots were loud and echoey inside the space station, and there was always a chance of a ricochet. Perhaps almost as enticing was the first aid kit, which was definitely a requirement for the pair of matching cuts the two of them had. Ryobi noted the look that Pryce gave him, and although he wanted little more than to immediately follow her there, some pressing matters needed his attention first. The first aid kit was the first thing Ryobi picked up, and he quickly retrieved the antiseptic. "Kitt, could you look for a backpack, please?" Ryobi asked as he began to treat his cut. He inhaled sharply at the familiar sting as he cleaned the wound, and wrapped a bandage around it. It was shoddy work and temporary, but Ryobi wasn't exactly planning to avoid the medics forever. Ryobi looked at the radio with some hesitation. Normally, checking in with the Captain would be top priority, and Kitt knew that. There was no doubt as to whether he should take the radio or not, just how quickly he should use it. Ryobi also wondered whether Pryce had checked in, or if she shared some of his same doubts. He would find out sooner or later. Kitt returned with the backpack, and Ryobi thanked her as he dumped the contents out on Pryce's desk. Several personal hygiene products, other personal effects... Ryobi placed her wallet in the drawer where Pryce had stored the handgun and dropped the shiv there as well. With the new weaponry, the shiv was more dangerous to carry around than help. He tossed the useless material into the drawer as well and locked it before placing everything else back in the bag. He stopped as his hand hovered over a journal. He probably should leave this as well, since space was limited, but curiosity made him return the book to the bag, along with her phone, an mp3 player, and some hand sanitizer. The personal-sized pepper spray in the bag clipped into the utility belt, and Ryobi stood up, ready for action. "Kitt, I need you to stay here and watch our stuff. I'm going to head back to get Pryce patched up. Should be back in a few minutes. If you need us, bring the backpack." Placing the pistol into his belt, he made his way back to the showers.