Honestly I'm a little tired to do a big ol' bio, but I got all the important stuff down. [hr] [hider=Connor Duncan][center][img]http://orig14.deviantart.net/5787/f/2014/191/4/6/46917d47daa5187ca0adadaf5acbec89-d7q245k.jpg[/img][/center] Name: Connor Duncan Alias: N/A Age: 23 Gender: Male Biography: The life of Connor Duncan has been a fairly uncomplicated and uneventful thing. Growing up in a middle class family lead to a fairly stable life, with notions of hard work, integrity, and personal honor worked deep into him as he went through school. Soon after he graduated High School Connor enlisted with the army, spending several tour of duties before the life of a soldier began to disagree with him. Since then he has been a wanderer, drifting from place to place and never settling in one place for long and generally suffering from a lack of purpose. However in the wake of his developing powers and the mysterious phonecall he has begun to grow anxious, more interested in his own continued survival than anything else. Though only time can tell how long he can stay neutral in these chaotic times ahead. Super Powers: To Be Added.[/hider]