Gradually, the light continued to fade from Dawn's eyes, becoming unfocused as she picked at the fringes of the strangers' minds. Not too deeply, of course- she didn't want to completely leave herself open to Vivian, and if one of the parties could sense her, then they would likely be able to feel her digging into their skull. "I can't...get a good read on the other ones. The fight, I mean," she admitted. "They're too far." Dawn went quiet again, prodding cautiously at the surface of one of their thoughts, then stiffened. One of them, the poet, was speaking to her. Not directly, but enough for her to know just how deep their- his- knowledge ran. "Sensor," Dawn announced. "He, um. He told the others we were coming. Knows what we can do. He doesn't really, uh...could you stop doing that for right now? Please." Her eyes had wandered to Vivian's coat, and the knife concealed beneath it. Perhaps it was simply in preparation for a fight, but given how they had met, it wasn't at all reassuring. Dawn took a few more steps back, distancing herself from the mercenary, then went on. "The sensor, he doesn't really seem to want to fight. But the other one, um. He...he's, uh." She pressed her lips together. "[i]Really[/i] prepared for us. Already planned out how to kill us, I mean. I can't tell what he is. The third one, I..." Dawn wasn't wholly sure about the third. The first had been mild, reasonable enough. Hoping to avoid out and open conflict with them, but not leaving it wholly out of the question. The second had been almost a complete opposite. Quiet. Eager. But, on some level, decipherable- especially when compared to the labyrinth of the third. She mulled about it for a moment, bewildered, before allowing herself to return to reality. "Regenerator. He doesn't seem like he'll be hostile, but I, uh, wouldn't want to risk it."