[h2]Sir Tyaethe Radistirin[/h2] "It's just a skeleton, if it was anything more significant it would have done something in the journey back. I've never known someone to be able to keep undead dormant [i]and[/i] undetected through being carted around by mages. The worst they can do with it is try and work out who it was, though the body's too far gone to just ask," Tyaethe answered, leading the way down some stairs and towards the outside--a different route than the way in. Obviously, the main doors were closer when you had no cargo on hand. A distrust of mages was something that the paladin couldn't really wrap her head around. They died just the same as everyone else when you cut them into pieces, and it wasn't that hard for someone to survive long enough to pull that off in her opinion. Her own ability, limited as it was to lighting candles, kept magic firmly in the realm of "just another skill to be learnt". "If anything goes wrong, the college can either deal with it or last long enough that we can walk from Candaeln. If they can't, that's a problem for more than one person to deal with." [@TheFake] [hr] [h2]Lilianna Belwiss[/h2] What pressure led people to accept things as unchangeable so easily? Of course there was a plan presented to them--and, true, it would be difficult to arrange a perfectly new one without a full strategic meeting with the other commanders. Something that they should have been arranging well in advance of allowing a noble with all the manners of a donkey to present it to them. Yet to blindly write off the potential to improve upon it was every bit as ridiculous as the Iron Roses' insistence on picking their leader by looking at a calendar. "I did not suggest [i]scrapping[/i] this plan," she stressed--though it was too complicated anyway, so why not? "I said that we need one that accounts for the limitations of relying on gullibility. 'Twould be better to determine alternatives now, rather than in a field with our targets following our every move." (From ghastly) Livius sighs as he walks to the door. “My only job on this matter was informing you of your 100 to 120 man limit and the plan proposed and to obtain your agreement. I cant in good knowledge return to my contacts telling them the plans radically changed by one with no emotional or finacial stake in the issue. They're people are being killed. They are understandably upset and stubborn. What you do without my knowledge is out of my control. After all, you said so yourself. I've no direct authority over you. Manifest includes documents on what little we know about the cult and their forces. I'd suggest you take time to flip through it Belwiss. Can only imagine what you and your might cobble together as a plan without me to over see you.”