[center][color=7bcdc8]Elleonora Alnara[/color][/center] After the meal was over with, Elleonora was also ready to get going so she grabbed her bags and moved to the horses and the wagon where she started to attach her luggage to the saddles of the horse in a way it's evenly distributed so it doesn't tax the horse too much. Things were arranging fine enough, except with their bard and the wizard. There was something going on here and she wasn't sure what it was. Kalista didn't appear as a person who'd scattered her things in a room for just one night. Something else was going and she wasn't sure it was the casual sexual night between adventurers. She'd have to ask the half elf about what's happening later. Hmmm a golem and it's rider appeared and chatted up Alexander to join hands with dealing with the gnolls at the temple. Even more people were heading to that damned place! Was this the curse of treasure? The lure of gold? The siren song of booty? She smiled and hopped on her horse for the moment, not interested in the fact or not that the new 2 would join their group. There was a good chance more hands would be better, but also that such a big group won't be able to enter all at once. [color=7bcdc8] “Quite the statement there, warrior.”[/color] Elleonora said when the dwarven woman started spouting some pretty curious words about how Catarina earned her respect while the others were nothing special for not getting involved.[color=7bcdc8]” Two people in a brawl, especially for a honor of one's friend is honorable. 2 people teaming up on another one no matter the reason is dishonorable.”[/color] The cleric stated and adjusted the huge battlehammer on her back. [center][color=ed1c24]Kalista Neles Ka Valesti[/color][/center] [color=ed1c24] “Thank you.”[/color] She replied quietly as Veridis had the great idea to apply some make up to her face and mask out the sunken cheeks, huge blue circles under her eyes and the general state of her visage. She looked like a mess and if someone saw her like she was right now, they'd know something had happened. With Veridis's skills application, she should be fine as long as she gets on the wagon and pretends to sleep at one of the sides. [color=ed1c24] “Great job... you made it sound like we've spend the night together... Still thank you. I really mean it.”[/color] She groaned when Viridis started informing the others about their delay. Now this was something she didn't want all the tavern to hear, but beggars can't be choosers, right? [color=ed1c24]“Alright, this should be enough, help me get down the stairs. I can (probably) walk to the wagon by myself.”[/color] She said, putting huge efforts to stand up.[color=ed1c24]” Don't make that face, my powers aren't waning because of this. I still wield my magic. It's already prepared and ready.”[/color] She stated.[color=ed1c24]" Once I'm in the wagon, I will curl up in one corner and get a nap. I will both feel better and look better afterwards."[/color]