I'm gonna avoid softbank if possible. The issue with my current phone is that it's a bit old and I recall it the phone is from five years or earlier, it should work in Japan if unlocked. I would ideally like to go to MVNO but it depends on what's around me. I would like to do the one month contracts just for simplicity's sake since renting an apartment or getting a phone seem to try and lock you into two year plans which I can't comfortably commit to. I've been eyeing the weather too, where I'm headed it doesn't look too bad, about what I'd find in SF which is only 30 mins away from where I live currently. If I can get my phone unlocked before I go (at a reasonable price) I will but otherwise I'm gonna suck it up and look o MVNO if possible. But again, getting internet in my apartment will be my first priority and then a cell phone. Since I also know getting internet will be a pain in the ass too, I think I'll get a co-worker to come with me when I set up things though. I speak conversational Japanese fine but I'd rather have a Japanese person there since I know it helps the process. Btw, I am gonna make you a new banner, I've been meaning to get around to it so I may do it tomorrow if I remember XD You had the same idea as me, I'll probably just overlay the sketch and smooth it out some. [@71452K]