[@Doc Doctor] Umbard stabbed his muscular arms through the dirt in a last attempt to secure something before he was pulled down into the void. What his finger trips brushed against was…roots of a nearby tree. He snatched onto them by the handful, wrapping them around his forearms by spinning his arms around in circles. With this technique he was effectively anchored to the tree, causing the mysterious evil below him to struggle far greater if it was to take him down. The tree was practically groaning from the stress as it bent slowly from the pull on it’s roots. Some minor roots snapped but the larger ones held true, at least for the few moments that this struggle would be taking place in. Evvie leapt down into the pit and let loose a torrent of flames past Umbard’s feet. Unfortunately it seemed like the tree was past it’s tipping point by now and was creaking louder overhead than before.