[hider][b]Villain Name:[/b] Focus [b]Villain Danger Level:[/b] Dragon [b]Appearance:[/b] [img]http://scontent.cdninstagram.com/t51.2885-15/s480x480/e35/c0.82.660.660/13257131_623145621182190_1334003173_n.jpg?ig_cache_key=MTI1NTc0NDIyMzQyNjM3NTY5Mg%3D%3D.2.c[/img] A figure at about 6'5" feet with lean muscles, Focus seems more like your average psychopath rather than any hero. He has sharp, violent bright red eyes and messy blonde-white hair. His skin is fairly pale from being shut out from the sun for eight years, his only clothing an off-white uniform from the lab that he outgrew, the sleeves now in the middle of his forearms and the end of the pants at his knees, both scuffed and raggedy. He has slightly pointed ears and a sharp nose, his whole appearance is just so sharp and violent that if you were on the same side of the street as him you would cross over. On top of that, the metal face mask he wears isn't a friendly sight either. [b]Name:[/b] Unknown [b]Age:[/b] 24 [b]Gender:[/b] Male [b]Personality:[/b] Not much is known about Focus since he has been locked away in close watch by the Hero association. He is very quiet, and when he speaks it is with a gruff, angry voice. From watching him, guards by his cell have said they only ever see Focus brooding, and often glares at them with those frightening bright red eyes. It always feels as if he's ready to kill, and quickly rejects any attempt at bonding that people give him. Trying to talk to Focus will only lead to him becoming more and more frustrated with you, until he lunged at you only to be pulled back by the chains on his arms and legs. [b]Brief History:[/b] Focus was originally an experiment created to try and become the ultimate soldier. He was an orphan on the streets, and was the only one out of all the kids they tested that survived. But, there was something off with him. He always had this dark feeling about him, like murderous intent just seeped from his pores. The scientists figured he had had a rough child hood leading up to the experiments, and they only angered him more. One day, when he was sixteen, the lab exploded. When the hero association got there, every scientist was dead and the other experiments were huddled in the ashes, scared. When they asked the children what happened, all they would utter was "Focus did it." A day later, City J was under attack. A boy with a metal mask over his face was destroying the city, practically with his mind. He was detained after a long battle, and locked far away from the hero association in a prison meant only for the worst of monsters and villains, Focus being very separated from the others. He has been there for eight years, waiting for the power to run out of those damn cuffs that keep his own powers away from him. If only they would come off... [b]Abilities:[/b] [list][*]Vector control: Can control movement and vectors in order to increase its strength, redirect it, or to simply halt its movement all together. This can be used to make one punch be as power as a boulder slamming into a body, to increase his speed, or to redirect physical attacks back at his attackers. It is useless against magic-based attacks, but he doesn't know that yet. [*]Time slow: Though the world is going fast, those inhuman eyes are able to see it in slow motion, so Focus has time to concentrate and come up with a plan, as well as being able to see all of the incoming attacks, even every single bullet if they are shot in volleys. This makes it very effective in redirecting attacks back. If his eyes are damaged, he cannot use this power. Passive skill that does not need to be consciously activated. [*]Tough skin: His skin is almost elastic, much tougher than an usual human's. Of course it can be cut, but it is tougher to do so. [*]Training: Has had severe mental and physical training, especially in one on one combat. Any sort of mind trickery has a 80% fail rate on him. Even without his powers, he still is a good fighter, and knows how to use both blades and guns if he finds them. [*]Unknown power: A power no one knows and the reason he keeps the metal mask on at all times.[/list] [b]Skills/Combos:[/b] [list][*]Enhance: Enhances one physical aspect of himself. This could be his strength, speed, or agility. Used vectors inorder to bring strength behind his fists/kicks, or pushes them out from under his feet when running, etc. [*]Deflect: Brings up vectors to deflect physical attacks away from his body, including punches or any one-on-one combat attacks. [*]Reversal: Sends weapons and attacks back to where they came from, flipping bullets, blades, arrows, and more and sending them flying back all at once. [*]Explosion: Creates a lot of force in a desired location that will eventually explode like a contained bomb. Can create multiple at once (up to around five depending on size) but they take a few seconds before they explode.[/list] [b]Possible Goals?:[/b] Revenge on the hero association for locking him away. [b]Other:[/b] Focus has his namesake for what he needs to do all of this— focus. If that is broken in anyway he is vulnerable to attack. It is hard to get him distracted, but it is possible. He can also be attacked if he is severely overwhelmed, meaning there is multiple attacks in extremely high speeds from all directions that he can't keep up with deflecting all of them. A monster or villain can destroy the cuffs on his arms and legs in order to give Focus back his powers and let him loose on the association.[/hider] SCREW IT! What's one more character? I really wanted a villain. >_< [sub]I have no control...[/sub]