[@71452K] I've heard of female-only trains though my apartment is supposedly within walking distance of the office so I shouldn't be too bad. I don't plan on really leaving Sendai unless someone comes out, then I'd probably shell out the yen to go somewhere. It's nearly 100 bucks to even go into Tokyo so I'm not eager to do that. I don't do bikes since my vision makes it impossible for me to balance on those things. I'll be trusting my feet and public transit for most things. Well all things XD I can handle anyone who tries anything, two older brothers ensured I could defend myself and do it well. Muahaha. But I doubt anyone would try anything, even though Japan isn't "as safe" as people think, it's still fairly safe and I suspect I won't have much trouble unless I get super paranoid at night...which miiiight happen. But hopefully I can find some cute guys in the area, if not I'm totally holding you accountable. And a timeskip is a good idea. I hadn't considered that. I'd say a week would suffice. I also do encourage ya'll to draw up plans for your private quarters if you'd like, I'll add any pics or layouts to the main OOC post.