[color=9e0b0f] "Haaa..."[/color] Vala let out a deep breath as she felt a little relieve from the fact heretic forces were dealt with, courtesy to the heavy support that arrived. Things went well, considering they were not sufficiently prepared for this. She for once didn't carry weaponry heavy enough to take down chaos space marines. Her rifle could in theory take down one, but given the amount of enemies present it was not likely only the squad alone had enough firepower to take them down all. The psyker did well, she had to admit, but that didn't mean she liked her attitude any. Still having someone with such powers was quite the boon. Back in her mercenary days, she only had very few occassions when she fought side by side with psyker of such great powers. Didn't like the personality of that one either. Maybe it was innate thing? She really needed to finish her new weapon in case she was going to fight more chaos space marines. When the order was given to board the transport, she quickly obliged and got on without sayign much and then reloaded her rifle.