"So a buffet? Fine... At least we'll get half of what we're after," Kabocha grinned, clasping his hands together in excitement as he gazed around, "And you've got to be more excited about the girls, man! I figured you'd be all about them after Yumi broke up with you for Viral. Plus aren't you worried about having kids someday? You need them to continue the line and all that good stuff, teach them to fight and how to carry on your family. Doesn't that mean anything to you two?" Maybe not if they were just cooks back home, the last thing they would probably be worrying about was kids and more getting out of a crappy situation. "Besides there's more to women then just making kids you know. They're good for plenty of other things too," he added, glancing back and winking at the twins before frowning and sighing at Choi's comment. "Man... You're the reason no women will get with us! I'm trying to get friendly with them and you're over there drooling about some barbecue food, get your priorities straight! You've got to think in the long term," Kabocha went on, turning around and walking backwards as he gestured with his hands frantically, "What's good going to get you a week from now other than the dumps? You get a girl to keep you happy, she'll do stuff for you and you get kids to carry your family on. If you were half as excited about girls as you were food this wouldn't even be a problem!" ---------- "Oh I'm only teasing! I just wanted to spend a nice afternoon with you after that mess we went through, that's all. It's a beautiful day and we have it all to ourselves." No pesky rebels or anyone else getting in the way of just them enjoying themselves was rare and Yumi didn't want to waste it. What they would actually do she hadn't considered yet but she'd make something up as they went along; Viral wanted to go and question Aito but he was much too angry to do so right now. Maybe a nice walk to clear his head would help that? He shot down the idea of a swim in a heartbeat and so they'd simply walk, a leisurely stroll around the city until Viral cooled down enough to go talk. Something as innocuous as a walk still annoyed him though and Yumi had the very real notion that he didn't want anything to do with her. Or rather he was more focused on getting at Aito than relaxing after their battles. Stopping in her tracks she turned and smiled at Viral innocently, walking back over to him and raising herself up onto her toes, staring him in the face curiously. "So do you really not want to spend time with me then? Am I annoying you that much?" Yumi pressed teasingly, moving back and frowning as she folded her ears down and hands behind her back, "You could have just said so..." she added, sighing and looking away, "I guess I'll go do something on my own then." ---------- "Yeah Earth was r-really nice... I only s-saw a little part of it th-though, its supposed to have loads of different types of places t-too." Most worlds were either one extreme or another and had very little if any variety, Earth was the first world Haku had ever seen that was so different. Even Kaesstra for all its beauty was mostly forest and water, there weren't even frozen places at the poles like most planets had. "I guess there's s-some nice places on Kortal, but people l-like me were always t-t-too busy to see them. The King doesn't let p-people like me do m-much..." Almost every other planet he'd ever been to had such nice rulers compared to Yamate and he'd figured if the King wasn't so powerful no one would ever follow a jerk like that. He didn't want his own people to be attacked but it could only make things better if a creep like him was taken out of power. "I don't think you're w-weird looking. Who said you look w-w-weird?" Haku asked, frowning as he turned to his friend, "Look at h-how different all the p-people on Uuonoe are, everyone l-looks different. That's n-normal, right?" he asked in regards to Yusef, smiling at the elder Kaesstrian. "Of course! You've never seen any of the northern clans, have you T'charrl? They look nothing like us," Yusef continued as he gestured to himself, "They're smaller than us, their hairs are lighter colors, some of them almost white, and some don't even have wings! And there are some who live underground like us but they don't have the light we do. So their eyes are bigger and their hairs are shorter and more sensitive, to sense vibrations in the air. Just because you don't look exactly like us doesn't mean you're weird, just different. And like Haku said everyone is different, that's nothing to be ashamed of." Smiling he reached out and placed a hand atop T'charrl's head, looking up above as a group of children sped by, laughing as they shoved at one another in mid-air. Waving at the group some of them looked down and waved back to them in turn, not a single one seemed disturbed by T'charrl. "See? People don't mind how you look, it's the type of person you are that matters. And I know plenty of people would love to have my son as their friend, and some day you'll make an excellent leader too."