I know it's been a busy few weeks (hence why I haven't been too fussy about how slow the RP is moving; I know it's Finals, i've been on a job hunt, Gowi's had stuff on his side, etc.) That being said, i'll start moving this RP soon so we can get some forward momentum. It could mean leaving folks behind if they don't pop in and intro, so you guys who haven't made your grand entrances yet ([@Verdaux], [@BlackSam3091] and [@DeadBeatWalking]) try and get your entrances done by this weekend. I'm not gonna do anything too drastic yet while we're all getting our characters situated and figured out this early, but I know that the RP is moving slower than a rowboat through molasses. I'll try and get another post out soon as well; and have stuff occurring through different parts of town--hopefully driving some of these characters together.