"I didn't hear about it on the news." Daisuke shook his head a little and didn't take Kazou's phone, but he tried to keep his usual glower off his face. Guy was skittish. Like he'd bolt if you looked at him wrong. Given that he looked at just about everybody wrong, it wasn't easy. Kimiko wanted him to take a seat, though, and the guy didn't seem too awful. Or like a creep. He was way, way too nervous for that. The [i]idea[/i] of looking at Hitomi or Kimiko's 'cans' probably'd give him a heart attack. Make him jump out of his skin. Maybe both, he was jumpy enough. The delinquent rolled his eyes a little, frown deepening a touch. Come to think of it, gossip'd been pretty light about the 'bots. He wasn't sure what people had seen, or hadn't seen, or... Well, what they'd admit to seeing. No one wanted to end up in the funny farm. Self delusion was a bitch and a half, but it was a strong one. No cops came looking for him this morning, so he figured no one'd really seen them leave. But even if someone [i]did[/i] see, would they really believe it? Hitomi's comment about coffee reminded him that he'd nabbed some on the way out, so he took a sip from his cup and thought a minute. He gave the girl herself a quick nod, eyeing her nose with a little concern. "Might just check it out, Hitomi," He began, though his gaze eventually moved to the new guy. "Try and do it in the morning, though. Think the customers are a bit classier than me. Probably ain't used to my sort." "Anyway, buddy, I dunno what was on the news but it was probably weirder than they're sayin'. Was about ten minutes that way, if you go see the spot. Not really sure how to say it, you'll think it's crazy."