Rose Mary turned to head to Mr. Booker's office. She stopped for a second. "Did I tell her my reason for coming this way?" She thought back on it. "Yes I did." She walked to Mr. Booker's office and knocked on the door as she opened it. "Mr. Booker, a few things. I would like to change my schedule to a more combat oriented one, if the plan I kind of sort of worked out with Ms. Frost is going to work, I can't rely solely on my power to survive. Surviving is fine but not enough, and my combat skills I got from the sperm donor are rusty at best, at least knife I stole from him isn't rusty. Is it possible my mutation can adapt into some form of telepathy? I met Logan earlier, saw his claws. My understanding was that pain was your body's way of telling you something was wrong. Why would he feel pain when he pops his claws if that is natural for his body? Is it because of the metal? Last, I asked Ms. Frost but she didn't answer, maybe she did it in a roundabout way. Is magic just another form of mutation? You know like Merlin not those fakers on stages. Was Merlin real?" She felt the beginnings of a ramble coming on this time out of curiosity, so she bit her tongue, not in the figurative sense. Tatiana did all she could for now, her room needed to air out and she had to get away. She was heading to her next class when she saw the newest arrival and his friends. She hated those things with a passion. She took the longest route possible to class to avoid the putrid stench of those abominations. If Xavier was allowing that plague on his campus she was going to have to reconsider her attendance.