[b][u]Basic Information[/u][/b] [b]Name[/b]: Finnegan Brian Gallagher [b]Job Title[/b]: Groundskeeper of Concord Glen [b]Age[/b]: 28 [b]Height[/b]: 5'9 [b]Weight[/b]: 180 lbs. [b]Blood Type[/b]: AB+ [b]Gender[/b]: Male [b]Sexuality[/b]: Heterosexual [b]Eye Color[/b]: Light Brown, almost honey colored. [b]Hair[/b]: Blonde [b][u]Mental Information[/u][/b] [b]School[/b]: American School #187 [b]Personality[/b]: Casual and relaxed. [b]Ambition[/b]: Help young generation of kids so that they never have to go through the kind of struggles that he went through during school. [b][u]Physical Information[/u][/b] [b]Build[/b]: Fit and lean, muscled and cut from hard labor. [b]Defining Marks[/b]: Scar on his face that runs from the bridge of his nose to the cheek, plus various scars on his body. [b]Description[/b]: Due to a life of working with his hands and moving earth through physical means his body is well muscled and very fit. He's healthy due to his lifestyle and although not a vegetarian he eats a lot of greens. His physique has some fat on it but not too much since muscle definition is easily noticeable. His skin is slightly tan, despite picture, with a healthy complexion. When ever he's not working he's wearing black glasses over his brown eyes. His hair was short cropped but most of the time left messy, seeing no reason to keep it maintained since he works. Around his full lips is a blonde goatee as well, this being the only facial hair he keeps on his face. A scar runs from the bridge of his nose to his cheek with others adorning different parts of his torso. Whenever he works he wears his company's single blue jump-suit with the name on the back. When outside of working he typically wears whatever he wants or whatever is the closest thing he can grab at the time. [hider=Picture] [center][img]https://i.imgur.com/3zxHcuH.png[/img][/center] [/hider] [b][u]Fighting Information[/u][/b] [b]Fighting Style[/b]: Kickboxing. [b]Years Practiced[/b]: 18 years. [b]Description of style[/b]: Kickboxing is a group of stand-up combat sports based on kicking and punching, historically developed from karate, Muay Thai and Western boxing. Kickboxing is practiced for self-defense, general fitness, or as a contact sport. The style, much like others, is a prime method of self defense and is good at dishing out fast combinations of punches and kicks. The target points for this style vary as there are high, medium and low variations of all the strikes that make up the art's foundation. He also adds in a bit of minor grappling. [hider=Special Ability] [u][i]Finnegan uses Chi, or Qi, as the resource and mechanic behind his abilities. Chi/Qi representing pure Life Force[/i][/u] [b]Chi Name[/b]: Strength of the World. [b]Chi Ability[/b]: Finnegan's chi allows him to buff himself in various ways in order to improve his own statistics. These range from increasing his strength, toughness, quickness, intelligence or insight for a short period of time. The more time Finnegan is given to focus the longer these buffs can last. In the case of fighting situations, 3 posts is typically the length of time it'll last. [i]Might of the Earth[/i] - The forces of earth can create and destroy mountains. Through his buff Finnegan increases his physical strength for a short duration. [i]Toughness of the Forest[/i] - Trees withstand even the greatest forces turned against them, their roots digging down deep into the earth in order to keep themselves from moving. Through this buff Finnegan increases his physical defense for a short duration. [i]Flow of the Water[/i] - Oceans and rivers can move at both very rapid and very restrained speeds. Water maneuvers and weaves around all in its path, filling every crevice. Through this buff Finnegan increases his physical speed, including reaction time, for a short duration. [i]Knowledge of Gaia[/i] - The earth has seen many thousands of years of life and contains mountains worth of knowledge, spanning back through to it's birth. Through this buff Finnegan increases his Intelligence for a short duration. [i]Whispers of the Wind[/i] - When the air moves it carries with it whatever it picks up. Along it's currents is carried that which one may not see at first. Through this buff Finnegan increases his Wisdom for a short duration. [i]Insight of the Leaves [/i]- None among the plants of nature view more than the leaves from their higher vantage points, they see what's coming and what others may not. Through this buff Finnegan increases his Insight for a short duration. [b]Chi Strengths[/b]: The obvious strengths that this technique provides are the buffs that increase his various statistics, even if it is only for a short period of time. In the right moments these different buffs could be crucial to the difference of victory and defeat. On top of that these buffs can be instantaneous and last for a short duration, more focus increases that amount of time the buff's last. [b]Chi Weaknesses[/b]: These different buffs are quite a bit to maintain, pushing the body past it's ordinary limit. Because of this only one buff can be maintained at a time and a cool down period is required before another buff is activated. The same buff can not be activated in succession. [i]Cool down period[/i]: 3 posts. [/hider] [b][u]History Information[/u][/b] [b]History[/b]: Finnegan Brian Gallagher was born to a very average family and was given all the advantages that a middle class family could manage in his younger years. Luckily enough the punishment system didn't seem to extend to the elementary and middle schools that he attended but his parents knew from talk around their home town that things were going to change as the governments plan started to unravel. By the time Finnegan was 10 they had already enrolled him in self defense programs in order to make sure that their son would be able to weather the storm that was approaching. By the time the punishment system was in full swing in the various high schools and academies his parents were activists that opposed the system, knowing that it would bring harm to their son. Regardless Finnegan pushed on with his life and even developed an interest in Botany. His interest in carried with him through his school years and from a young age he self researched a lot of information on the subject. His life took a drastic turn when he hit high school, being fresh meat caused him to be targeted. Even on the first day he started to run into trouble and although he managed to put down the first kid that caused him trouble stronger ones kept popping up out of the woodwork. He wouldn't be able to count the amount of times he got his ass handed to him on the first day, although he'd be able to tell you that he managed to survive the first day of school. Going on through the following weeks the trouble for him just seemed to intensify, reality quickly crashing down upon him that for the next four years of his life he was going to have to be fighting for what he held dear. He wanted his education, oddly enough. He wanted his education and right to learn enough that he fought for it. Day after day he was involved in scuffles, blows were exchanged and eventually he formed a group of friends. They were others that started on the same day as him and they worked together to try and protect themselves. Even with this new found comaraderie he still met many defeats. As he got older he got into conflicts that ended with him in the hospital. By the time he was in his second year of school he started to get problems from the teachers and in many different cases found that he had to defend himself not only from the student body but also part of the staff. He spent more days in Hospitals that he'd care to admit and over 4 years developed a few battle scars but eventually he graduated. Over the time of his experience through high school, due to the constant threat of losing his life, Finnegan eventually figured out how to manifest some of the inner power that he had seen some teachers and other students use on occasions. He discovered this early in his high school years, half way through his freshman year when he took a pretty savage beating. Over time he focused it and learned more about it, realizing that it had something to do with his interest in nature. He spent the years of his high school life trying to hone it. When he heard about Concord Glen he immediately started to head in the communities direction, wanting to be involved so that he could meet up with others that went through the same things that he did. He sought to try and help kids of future generations avoid the troubles that he went through. Even though the punishment and pillar systems were abolished eventually he knew that it wasn't going to stop, some kids simply liked to fight. He signed up with the company that did garden and lawn care for the community and was sent there quickly. He immediately settled into his tasks and found his new home. He did his best to adjust quickly although he felt that he should try to keep his head down. Concord Glenn eventually paid off and became a paradise for those that experienced the roughness of childhood that the Pillar System brought on. He still lives in Concord Glenn to this day, helping troubled kids and teens deal with their issues.