The alarm starts to blare [color=f7941d]"Oh SHIT! I'm late!!!"[/color] Rod dashes out of his room with only boxers on, he grabs a piece of toast that just popped out of the toaster and headed outside his family's 90's wood panel apartment trying his best to get his pants on as he ran down the street to get to his bike. His mother yelled at him in angry Spanish in the background. With the letter in his pocket, he rushed to the facility described within the letter's contents. As he rode down the parkway, he wondered what this meeting could answer for him. He has so many questions about the gem embedded in his palm. He didn't have much of a problem with it but he hoped that it was nothing too serious and that he could get it removed. After all, a weird growth like that would put him in a bad spot in the media if he were to ever get famous. [color=f7941d]"I hope to god I didn't miss it.."[/color]