[color=orange]"Not many people know this, but Sea Salt Bay has been host to many mysterious disappearances over its history. These people have all been teenage girls. And do you wanna know something really creepy? Those disappearances have been said to occur around the area of Lovers Haven."[/color] said Rolo dramatically. [color=orange]"The thing was that those who disappeared were never the locals. This of course made a lot people disbelieve the rumours of those mysterious disappearances.[/color] explained Rolo. [color=orange]"People who did believe though, they had their theories. One was that Lovers Haven was a place teenage runaways were seen before disappearing out into the open world. Another was that Khalo, or some mysterious serial killer, got them. Most people though, believed that suicidal teenage girls always made their way to Lovers Haven, to enjoy the beauty of this place, before ending it."[/color] said Rolo sombrely. [color=orange]"It was about five years ago now, when yet another disappearance occurred. What was strange was that in the couple of weeks before the incident, an odd figure was seen, touching this rock formation with both of its hands. It was always seen on the night of the full moon. The girl that disappeared this time, was found. She was found dead in the woods due to mysterious circumstances. Seriously, not even the coroners could figure out the cause of death. But ever since then, people have linked the incident to that old Esselen legend of Khalo and Lahki. People have stayed away since."[/color] said Rolo. [color=orange]"I myself don't know what to believe Corinne. But let me tell ya, this town has secrets. Some of which you're better off not knowing."[/color] Rolo explained eerily. [color=orange]"But at least we get to enjoy this place together. No squares around to ruin the mood. That was always a pain back when this place was popular."[/color] said Rolo cheerily. [color=orange]"Do you remember when we ran into that raven on the trail? Then later we heard those coyotes? I wonder, is the spirit world trying to tell us something?[/color] Rolo asked.