[@Whoami] The area of operation was not much a surprise to Alex, their squad name was 'Arctic Wolves' after all, however he did wonder why the aliens were interested in such a remote location. Currently, there had been no records of the Aliens' constructing special facilities on the planet yet but the details suggested just that. Kiana was still at the display screen when a loud notification caused her to jolt, he had to restrain from smiling at the startled look in her face which turned to curiosity. That was when Alex noticed it as well, it seemed their squad had been assigned to assist [color=8dc73f]"Well it looks like we'll be able to meet the new girl first-hand.[/color] she left the monitor and walked over to her locker, while the Artic Wolves were the primary force in cold regions the Steel Tigers had their own share of frozen missions [color=8dc73f]"I wish the aliens would invade some place tropcial next time..."[/color] She lamented. Alex began retrieving his gear as well, the weapons would be waiting for them on their way to the sky-ranger [color=ed145b]"I am starting to think you are not right in the head. If the aliens did attack a tropical area, they would probably destroy it...not that you would get to enjoy anything there."[/color] his word spoke sharply as he changed into winter gear. The rest of the Steel Tigers came through door shortly after, the squad leader with that stern look in his eyes that never seemed to go away [color=00a99d]"What the story here sir?"[/color] Jamerro asked walked to his bunk Feng spoke as he tugged on his chest-piece [color=ed1c24]"We have confirmed alien activity in the ice sheets of northern Canada, a number of natives have gone missing as well as a nuclear submarine. It is believed there is an alien facility below the ice."[/color] he spoke quickly It wasn't long before the Steel Tigers were geared up with everything inside their locker, the rest would have to be grabbed at the hanger. One of the small perks of being an XCOM soldier was being able to customize your gear, apart from vital equipment. Typically the only ones with unmodified weapons or armor were the rookies, there was a bit of a custom that had grown where you had to survive a mission before you were able to put your personal touch on anything. Kiana was the first one out of the door, the Artic clothing and gear was already beginning to make Alex sweat a little but there was no doubt he would be thankful for it later [color=39b54a]"So we get to play with the Ice puppies today?"[/color] she sarcastically said looking far too eager. It was not unusual for squads to bust on each other like that, each base was like a big family to some. There was something about saving the world from an extraterrestrial threat that seemed to bond people together. Marcus laughed shaking his head [color=0054a6]"We'll be joining up with them any moment Kiana, for once could you do us all a favor and shut it?"[/color] Kiana pretended to be offended but the small smirk on her face gave her away [color=39b54a]"But you would miss the lovely sound of my voice.."[/color] she turned her head back to them Feng's voice rose above them [color=ed1c24]"Both of you will shut it. You had time to loosen up earlier, we have a mission to accomplish."[/color] He spoke like a scolding father Alex had to say he really liked his squad leader, the man had no reservations about putting the foot down when needed [color=ed145b]"What are the objectives for the mission, sir?"[/color] he asked walking to Feng's side Feng kept looking ahead [color=ed1c24]"Scout the area around the site, locate the entrance, infiltrate the facility, kill all hostiles. We also have a request from central to capture an alien alive, they seemed pretty interest in the outsider however. It seems they managed to modify the glorified stun gun to capture them, supposedly."[/color] Alex wondered who the poor sucker that would get that job would be.