[color=8493ca][center][h3]Rachel Holt[/h3][/center][/color] In response to Vivian's statement, Rachel simply tilted her head in a somewhat curious manner as if she was trying to figure out what exactly he meant by that. Treat her boyfriends and pets like that? Why would she ever even have one of those? Too much work. People were tiring. Also sometimes annoying. Pets just ate all your food and got hair over everything. Except horses. Horses were nice. Smelly though. She arrived just after Vivian, just in time to hear Impmons question and Arukenimon introduce herself again. [color=bc8dbf]"I-i didn't forget! I jus' didn't want to make you all look stupid!"[/color] That was so obviously a lie, it was a bit painful. Rachel was her usual quiet self, seeming to internally debate what she wanted to do here. She could follow one of the others and be forced to work...or she could say yes to the splitting up and find a nice place to take a nap. Or find something to snack on. Besides, sometimes the best way to find something or gather information, was just to watch and act like you weren't actually actively trying to find said information. [color=bc8dbf]"Hrm, I'd say splittin' up is a pretty good idea."[/color] Impmon said. [color=bc8dbf]"We could, uh, you know. Get more done."[/color] Impmon, unfortunately share Rachel's view a bit. [color=bc8dbf]"We could probably find our contact a loooot more quickly."[/color] Rachel nodded in silent agreement.