A little disappointed as the voice hadn't responded and no one had shown up, Mimi put the odd device in her bag and climbed down the tree. Wondering how to spend the day, Mimi wandered around town. Plenty of people, but none to play with, it annoyed her. Then, she remembered that a new game was being released and that the gamestore should have a demo available. Excitedly, Mimi went over. When she entered the store, the man behind the counter greeted her with a wide smile, and she returned an equally wide smile. "Hey, little miss, here to try that new game, after all? I thought you said it looked 'unworthy'?" The man quipped cheerfully. Grin widening, Mimi responded, making a poor attempt at imitating the man's voice [color=a187be]"You have to try it to find out it's garbage."[/color] The man chuckled and pulled her over the counter. "It's in the back. Go see how far you can get. Wanna bet a chocolate bar you won't even beat the first three levels?" [hr] Three hours later and two chocolate bars richer, Mimi waved the man goodbye and left the store. The odd device had glown oddly when she'd put the chocolate in her bag and when she'd retrieved a snack while playing, but she had been to focused on beating the game to actually do anything with it. Only when she was almost home, she decided to study the device again, but by then it had already stopped glowing. With a pout and a sigh Mimi stuffed the device in the bag again, and went inside. Her parents were still out working, so she had the house all to herself. Doing as any kid would do, she grabbed a glass and a drink. Mimi was thirsty. Afterwards she headed upstairs, to her room, she wasn't interested in watching television. Once upstairs, she turned on the computer in her room. As soon at the computer had been booted up, the device started glowing once more. With the device once more removed from the bag, Mimi started mokeying around with it. Not entirelt sure of what happened, Mimi turned the device to check the back for some sort of batery port when a blinding flash disabled her vision. [hr] Finding herself in a bright, colorful surrounding, with little but her backpack, clothes and the odd device, Mimi was confused, to say at the least. This was not her room. Looking around Mimi found a stream and plants. Lots and lots of plants. Getting up, Mimi sauntered over to the stream, washing the dirt from her hands. She got up from her place beside the stream and looked around a bit, deciding there wasn't much to see, she climbed a tree. From the treetop, she once more looked around, hoping to find some form of life or habitation. Whilst looking she commented to herself [color=a187be]"Well, where are we now?"[/color]