[center][b]Mandalorian Space, Surface of Concordia[/b][/center] Hundreds of armoured feet were marching, a great gathering had taken place but now it was over. Over a thousand Mando'ade of clan Gra'tua had been excused of their regular duties and had been gathered and mingled upon the surface of Concordia, Mandalore's moon had been claimed by clan Gra'tua, a year of fighting, negotiations and clan meetings had made that happen. Today had been a day of feasts and the renewal of brotherhood among the warriors before they had to return to their duties. Now ships had landed, as well as shuttles, dropships, gunships any that would carry the warriors back to other, larger ships in orbit or bases scattered around the surface or stations in orbit. Their alor watching them all depart, feeling pride for his accomplishments so far. He had come far in such a relative short time. He looked down at Revan's mask in his hand and chuckled, holding the mask in front of him studying it, some, outsiders perhaps, might claim that he wearing a mask that was meant for a female was, an 'oddity'. But he did not care for that, like many if not all things in Mando'ade culture, what meant the most was how others viewed you, him able to have found the mask worn by the jedi who was responsible for stalling and then ultimately pushing back and ending a Mandalorian crusade, the status it gave him was immense and he was honored to don the mask. His momentary study of the mask done he put it back on his face and secured the seals that kept it in place, raising his fist in salute as the first dropships started lifting off to ferry their warrior burden to where they needed to be taken. He let out a chuckle and turned to regard his inner circle, at least those that were present, Bo, Andrieke, Latesh, Talinna and his flesh and blood Kyr'am. "We are done, time to return to the Kandosii Naast II." It was Andrieke who produced a series of documents and he groaned. "Kashiir put you up to that I suspect?" His answer was a chuckle here and there from his people and he snorted taking them and looking them over. Contracts, paperwork, he steamed a little on the inside but they needed his seal of approval, skimming over the details of which contracts might earn some decent profit he selected some, ignoring the more lucrative deals offered by some Republic and CIS interests. It was not time yet to pick a side, there was a grand scheme of things which he had planned out so far. Even so, he did accept on republic contract, it was not wise to ignore all they send, keep them interested and make sure a good reputation remained. As he worded a reply to the last one to be send that the contract would be accepted he turned to Andrieke noticing she had her head cocked as if listening to someone, perhaps from her communicator in her helmet so he waited when she was done he merely gestured for her to speak. "Kashiir, reminding you to activate your comm again and that there is a change of plans." She walked to the cockpit and with a grunt Gra'tua followed, wondering what this was about as she led to the cockpit, the crew apparently already aware and merely nodded to their alor while making space for him. He leaned over what he knew was the holopad as Andrieke pressed the controls to accept a incoming message. "It seems you are receiving a invitation." She said as she stepped back so Gra'tua could witness who was inviting him and for what. The image of an armourclad female mandalorian appeared above the holopad and gave a slight nod of her head in respect. "Alor Gra'tua, You have made impressive strides for an Alor who a year ago had only a handful of warriors under your command. I am Thrace Silas, I would invite you to join me at my clans enclave, to share a drink and talk of matters of the future. I would be honoured if you accepted." The transmission appeared to be real time and Thrace was waiting for a reply. "Su cuy'gar, Thrace Silas, I would be honoured to accept such a invitation. Where may I land to accept this drink and conversation?" Gra'tua replied with, intrigued. "The coordinates are embedded in this transmission." Thrace said with a hint of a smile in her voice. "I look forward to seeing you soon." He offered a nod as the transmission ended and turned to the pilot, "Head to the new coordinates and meet this Thrace Silad." He turned to Andrieke next, "Inform the others to be on their best behavior." She bowed and went to inform the others while Gra'tua remained in the cockpit of the Kalikir gunship, Silas... that name was familiar. The Gunship soon found itself entering the atmosphere of Mandalore as the pilot brought the vessel to the provided coordinates. the coordinates quickly brought the vessel skimming over treetops until it reaches a clearing where a small number of other craft were sitting most heavily armed and baring the makings of Mandal Hypernautics or Mandal Motors. Once landed Gra'tua was the first to walk down the ramp and survey their surroundings, admiring the mandalorian craft, nodding. Some clans might prefer off-world designs but he was always a fan of Mandalorian original work, like the new Basilisk War Droids he helped to reintroduce to the clans. He had decided that Kyr'am and Andrieke were to accompany him to meet this female Mando'ade as he looked for the welcoming party and if there were none, for the cantina. As Gratua looked around a trio of figured emerged from the trees surrounding the clearing and approached, none of them appeared to be Thrace Silas."Su cuy'gar, Alor Gratua." The lead of the trio said. "If you would follow us Thrace is expecting you." he said as he gestured toward the treeline the trio had emerged from. "Su cuy'gar." He replied, gesturing for his daughter and general to follow him as he approached the trio. "I was expecting to meet her in a cantina, unless there is one hidden among these threes?" He said, finishing with a chuckle. "Please take me to her." Resting his hand on his belt. As the group entered the forest the Lead mandalorian spoke up. " I saw you face Visla in the battle circle last year. Have you ever considered learning the use of a Blaster?" He asked without looking back. At that comment he knew both his daughter and Andrieke were probably smirking at his back, he let out a wry chuckle. "Many times... I do prefer the thrill of melee combat but yes I have been considering branching out in the use of ranged weaponry as well, just had no proper time to train in the use of a blaster. I have been rather occupied this past year after all." "Sounds like an excuse to me." The lead said with a hint of distaste. "You call yourself a warrior, but you limit your options by not making the time to learn a full skillset, I would trounce any of my warriors who did such a thing." The trees started to thin a little and several vheh'yaim came into view, warriors and children alike moving in the space between them as they went about their daily business, a few stopped and watched the party approach, mostly the children but a few adults paused or a moment to see who the arrival was. Gra'tua smirked behind Revan's mask, "I do not make excuses, I simply state a fact, the failing is my own and I do not deny it, if lack of knowledge on a blaster kills me then I am the fool, but so far I have been proven hard to kill." As they approached the encampment he glanced over the huts and it's people but did not pay any specific attention to anything, besides offering a polite greeting in passing if one of the adults looked his way. As the group went deeper into the encampment a few of the vheh'yaim appeared to have low stone walls at ground level rising maybe a meter before switching back to the more traditional construction. the two warriors that had flanked their guide split off at this point and went seperate ways while the spokesmen stayed silent and lead them towards one of the larger partial stone vheh'yaim. "Thrace awaits you inside." He said as he turned around and took up something of a guard position near the cutaway ramp that lead to the vheh'yaim entrance. "Just you." He then emphasized. He gestured for his flesh and blood and Andrieke to wait before turning to the warrior, "What is your name warrior?" "Goran Silas." He said simply, before motioning to the entrance. "Thrace is waiting." He added sounding a little impatient. He nodded, "A good name, a strong name, perhaps we will meet again. Perhaps even in a battle circle." He said as he walked inside. From the door the vheh'yaim, Gra'tua could see his host sitting cross legged on the floor of the central room at a low table. A bottle and two glasses were the centrepiece it seemed though there was also a small bowl of nuts and berries. Thrace wore no armour this time, instead she was dressed in skin tight hides that seemed as practical even as they accentuated certain things... things such as the vibroknife on her hip and blaster in a leg holster. “Do come in, Alor Gra'tua, sit with me.” She said with a smile as she gestured to the other side of the table. He inclined his head, cursing inwardly, talking to that warrior had him forgot his decorum as he, a bit too late he bend over and removes his shoes, placing them outside along with his two sabers, placing each hilt in one of the boots. After that he removed Revan's mask and his helmet, placing it on the ground beside him. Looking up with his face bare as he took the offered seat across Thrace. "My thanks for the invitation and hospitality." “Ne'tra gal?” She asked as she poured a glass from the bottle and hovered over the second glass. He nodded and looked back at her, "Vor entye. I have been talking a lot before you invited me so a drink will do me good." He grinned recalling that only two hours ago he had been giving a speech to his warriors. He made himself comfortable and studied the inside of the hut for a moment. Thrace poured the second glass and handed it to Gra'tua. She then sat back and watched him for a moment as he looked around the room. The vheh'yaim was a mostly spartan affair, but it also looked like it had been standing longer than the average vheh'yaim, A ring of flowering vines had been encouraged to grow around the corners of the ceiling and there were a few ornaments positioned around the room. Among them was a helmet with heavy carbon scoring on one side, a pair of crossed blades, unpowered by the look of them and a map with a number of handmade annotations that looked quite old. He took the glass with a thankful nod and raised it to her, "To your health and the health of your clan." He said simply, before taking a sip, letting the black ale wash his tonsils for a moment before swallowing it down. "Now then, to what do I owe the pleasure of your invitation." “As I said in my invitation, you've made considerable progress or your clan in the last year. You've impressed the Jendri, humbled the Ordos on several occasions and word is Jango is keeping an eye on you.” She popped a couple of berries into her mouth and took a swill of ale before continuing. “Lets say I wanted to see what all the fuss was about.” He let his lips form a wry smiles as he chuckled, "As you can see, not that much of a fuss worth nothing." Gra'tua said in jest as he took another sip of the ale. "Though somehow I suspect you might wanted to do more than just take a look at me to see what I am about." Thrace raised an eyebrow. “Oh, and what gave you that idea?” He let one of his eyebrows rise and then shrugs, "One hardly invites an alor of a clan you never interacted with before to your camp and hut for just a look to see what all the fuss is about. I am a direct person and speak my mind." “Then tell me, what is on your mind?” She asked suggestively as she took another drink. He looked at the contents of his glass before setting it down on the table, "Well for one thing. Wondering why a clan such as yours, clearly valuing our traditions and ways as the guide who took me here seemed to indicate, especially with my laps and weakness regarding ranged weaponry, has been staying in one place for a long time but has not erected more permanent housing if it is their intent to stay in this spot." He looked back up at her face once more. Thrace regarded Gra'tua for a moment before shrugging and replying "This spot has served us well, for over three hundred years, though we do move from time to time when local supplies run low but we have returned often, rebuilding upon former foundations such as the stone making up the lower portion of the walls here."She put her glass down as well and looked Gra'tua in the eyes. “Why /did/ you accept my invitation? As you say we've had no prior interaction and my clan is a small one that stays out of the majority of the rivalries our people have. So why did you come?” Gra'tua allowed himself to smile, "I came because I have a vision of sorts. You heard I have the favour of Jendri and that Jango seems to have marked me as a warrior of note, the Ordo, in their own way, have also shown that I am something to look out for, this all happened because I aspire to become Mand'alor of our people and unify the clans once more. That means I am open to talk with every clan who is willing to talk to me." He let out a sigh, "I am even willing to talk to clan Ordo if they would stop shooting me at every opportunity. That has not yet happened unfortunately. I find it a waste that Mando'ade are fighting other Mando'ade." “Fighting is what we do. If we did not fight what would we be, a weak people holed up in large cities and begging for others to respect our neutrality in this war? We would not be mando'ade then. Besides there are few these days that can provide as much challenge as each other in battle.” She said as she popped a few more berries into her mouth. "Ah but you are making my point, I said it was a waste to fight each other, while we would have more to gain by fighting other opponents. Both the CIS and Republic are challenge enough to fight for or against, we are after all taking in those Republic clones, trained to value our traditions, in as our own and give them safe haven from Republic prosecution. There are plenty of warriors on either side to test our mettle against, I have the firm believe the only reason why we are neutral still... is because both factions might like it better that way that we do not take a side, preventing us of joining their opponent. Our people once held the galaxy at it's throat and that feat, that tale of legend gave our culture the means to survive the passage of time." He spread his hands, "Now look at us, there is a war going on and we remain neutral, yes, we send some of our warriors to fight their battles for coin, nothing wrong with that... but I feel the need that our people should be involved more, make a difference." He took up the glass and took a sip before he continued. "Besides, have you been actively searching this galaxy for a challenge in battle?" He stared at his drink, "For example... the jedi are making a re-appearance, we know what their kind are capable off." He looked down and placed a hand on his mask, the mask of Revan. “And what of the Sith? As capable as the Jedi by most accounts, you are not the only one to reveal yourself in recent times.” She asked speculatively. He shrugs, "I am Mando'ade first, Sith second." He said, as if making a point, staring at Thrace and then moved on, smiling. "They make for a good challenge as well, though the ones I am allied with, some valuing the Mando'ade as well, one of them also a alor as it happens. And they seem to value our people as allies and respect our warrior traditions, like the sith have done in the past." “So you believe our people should ally ourselves to the sith then. Yet you were just talking about seizing our heritage.” Thrace said with a raised eyebrow. He looked at her and rubbed his chin and cheek. "Hmm, I merely said that the sith have made valuable allies yes and I myself am allied with some right now, if our people as a whole should ally with these sith, maybe, maybe not. With allies it is always about shared goals, if the sith share the goals of the Mando'ade I see no problem allying ourselves with them... or any other faction for that matter." He left it to her to decide if he also included the jedi with that. "Besides do we really, a warrior people like ours, want to sit this war out while other warrior races, such as the Ailon, are fighting in major scale battles and our kind only do some mercenary assistance on the side?" “It is food for thought.” Thrace replied as she considered what Gratua had said. “So you seek allies to support a claim to the title of Mand'alor. While yes you've made impressive progress I don't see a reason to throw my clans support behind you at this point.” "Then let me ask you a question now, what can I do to show you that I am worthy of your support? It seems odd to invite me only over to satisfy your curiousity." “One can not learn without asking questions. Before today I knew only what others had said about you and what I witnessed during your fight with Visla. Now I find myself much better informed.” She drained the last of the ale from her glass and considered Gra'tua's other question for a moment. “I offer an Exchange.” Thrace said after a little time. “One of mine for one of yours. Someone that can fight beside you, see how you handle yourself and others first hand. After a time they can report back and maybe their testimony will provide the answers I seek if my clan is to support you as Mand'alor.” "Goran Silas perhaps? I like that one, if you can spare him of course, I brought two others with me..." He looked at her for a moment and then nodded, "I am leaving you and entrusting you with my daughter, Kyr'am Gra'tua. She can pull her own weight but as my child, I am very protective of her as one may expect." “I understand. And Goran is precisely who I had in mind, it seems we are both exchanging blood.” Trace said with a smile. Gra'tua raised his glass once more in toast. "Then it seems we are of like mind, I shall see if I can impress him." He smiles wryly once more, "I suppose that means I need to step up my handling of blasters foremost." He chuckles at the end. They talked for a few moments longer and then decided to inform their respective 'guests' what was going to happen. Gra'tua giving his daughter some words in private, stressing to her that she be on her best behavior before he shared a hug with her that she did not seem to expect but in the end returned. With that they parted ways, his daughter remaining with clan Silas while Goran, who was Thrace's younger brother came with Gra'tua. Gra'tua turned to his guest and grinned, "Let's see if I can impress you lad, or maybe you can teach how to shoot." Gra'tua was still chuckling about that as the gunship lifted off the planet surface.